"initializeUI" and "uiClose" not defined
I have installed CssFormbuilder2 and everytime I try to use it I get nothing but the following message.
While executing onLoad in WAFB_AddForm.htm, the following
JavaScript error﴾s﴿ occurred:
In file "WAFB_AddForm":
initializeUI is not defined
When I close the message window I get this message:
O While executing onUnload in WAFB_AddForm.htm, the following
JavaScript error﴾s﴿ occurred:
In file "WAFB_AddForm":
uiClose is not defined
So I have tried to remove CSSForm2 and Form Tool1 to start all over again and after hours of running the Adobe extension installer is still spinning its little dial saying that it is uninstalling form tool 1.0. How many days should this take?
PS I have not installed the HTML editor at all.