Bug in Data Assist
I need to use the AND clause to filter a recordset on a data assist results page, however I get this error:
WADACat is an invalid variable name; it does not appear in the SQL
Missing type for variable: WADACat
I need to use the AND clause to filter a recordset on a data assist results page, however I get this error:
WADACat is an invalid variable name; it does not appear in the SQL
Missing type for variable: WADACat
please send a copy of your page so I can look at the code.
Thanks for the Help.
The recordset is in links_Results.php
the SQL I need to add is
And Active = 'Active'
the problem occurs when you have columns in your database that use spaces in the name.
the reson for the problem is in the way that data assist creates recordset variables and the way that Dreamweaver interpretes recordset variable names.
when data assist creates a recorset variable, it uses the WADA<column name> as the variable name. in your case:
Dreamweaver writes the code for the variable as:
<variable name>_<recordset name. in your case:
The problem comes in when you edit the recordset. Dreamweaver interprate's every thing up to the first underscore "_" as the variable name, and after the underscore as the recordset name , or:
WADACat as the variable and:
ID_WADAlinks as the recordset.
the work around is to edit the code.
Find each instance of:
and change it to:
it should be found 3 times.
Yep it works
Could I just ask you to delete the attachment above
the attachment has been deleted.
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