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2 Problems Uploading Images & MRT

Thread began 5/02/2011 9:06 am by Steve E | Last modified 5/08/2011 5:48 am by Steve E | 3243 views | 6 replies |

Steve E

2 Problems Uploading Images & MRT


I initialy ran the data assist insert wizard and created my pages.

1/ Image Upload
Following the pdf
I deleted the form field that was associated with my thumbnail image, recreated it as a file field and then ran through the file manipulation - file upload wizard and created the upload / insert behaviours, (all exactly as per the instructions).
I tried this multiple times on various fields and it's just not having it?

The problem is only the file name is being written to the database field but no file is actually being uploaded to the directory?

If I manually copy the files to the location, the display and results pages do show the images but the file upload is not actually doing its job?

I have checked my php.ini file allows for file upload and file limits are set to 128mb I also checked my selected directory file permissions allow full access, Also I have checked the image upload functionality through SiteSculptors, PowerCMS2 admin text editor and this all works fine except in ie9 as I'm sure you are aware.

2/Updating Multiple Tables
I have been following this post
All goes well until I get to step 5 and Dreamweaver tells me I can only apply this action to a repeting region having created 24 repeating regions already, I am stumped as to why I am unable to gain the functionality?

I have spent 3 days trying various different approaches but to no avail, I have found a couple of interesting posts regarding this but several posts Have no conclusion posted, the last posts always seem to be I have opened a support ticket for this issue? In these cases is there away in which the solutions could be posted into the forums so others experiencing similar problems can try out the solutions prior to creating a fresh post?

If anyone has overcome either of these issues I would be greatful if you could share your knowledge
Thanks in Advance

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

Please post a copy of your page so I can take a look at the code.

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Steve E

Hi Jason
Here with my code, if you can have a look at it and let me know what I am doing wrong I would really appreciate it.

Attached Files
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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

1) For file upload to function correctly, your forms encoding type must be set to multip[art/form-data.


<form  action="products_Insert.php" method="post" name="WADAInsertForm" id="WADAInsertForm">


<form  action="products_Insert.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="WADAInsertForm" id="WADAInsertForm">

2) The manage relational table behavior needs t have a relating selection in place. Select the element you would like to repeat to create the relation, and go to the Server Behaviors Window. click the plus button and select DataAssist -> Repeat Selection.

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Steve E

Hi Jason
Thanks for the advice,

Re image Upload
I did already try to change the form enctype to multipart/form-data, when I do that the record does not even get written to the database and no upload takes place

I have re coded the page now and included the repeat selection, I now appear to have come accross another issue, as the main table join foreign key value comes from an auto incrementing field in the database, and I have no input feild for this record how can I pass it to the options table?

I have tried a couple of things but the information is not entering the table and there is a red exclamation mark next to the 'Manage Relational Table (productoptions)' in Dreamweavers server behaviour panel.

Your help would really be apreciated
Thanks in advance

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

I have created a support ticket so we can look into this issue further.

To view and edit your support ticket, please log into your support history:

If anyone else is experiencing this same issue, please append to this thread.

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Steve E


1/The problem with the image upload was due to incorrect settings input into the wizard, I re-ran the file upload wizard added the enctype="multipart/form-data" line to the form and all worked fine

2/The MRT issue was down to the fact I should not of been trying to do this at all, I had picked up on the wrong thread. I was in fact trying to add product options to my product insert page.
I did this by adding the input fields to the insert page and creating the relevant record sets, then selecting these input fields on my form and creating a Repeat Selection for all of these records, from there I simply went Server behaviours Data Assist > Insert > Multiple records and selected the session variable for the product ID and the other values in the table are updated from the inputs within the repeat selection, and everything went where it should.

For the update page I only added the image upload fields to update images for a product using a hidden field containing the stored value for the product.
I then ran data assist wizard again and created a separate set of pages containing only productoption results, productoption insert, productoption update, productoptions delete pages.
Now when some one wants to update a product, after updating the product they are re directed to the product details page where I have added a link to the productoptions results page, this displays all of the product options for all products, and product options can then be identified from the product option id and updated or deleted individually.

I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it but it works. I hope this helps any one who is experiencing the same problems.

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