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Wanna make it large :) advanced universal email

Thread began 6/15/2011 3:17 pm by ceo.anisnap426869 | Last modified 6/16/2011 4:54 pm by Kumel | 2608 views | 8 replies |


Wanna make it large :) advanced universal email

I have universal email4.

k lets say i have a form..
it contains

Comments etc etc
Submit (form.php)
All this gets sent to my mail..

Now lets say i have to send a file to email entered in above form. lets call da file as "XXX"

But i wont send thru mail instead i want them to download from site thru a code..

So i ll send them a code thru mail, lets call dat code as "123456".

Then da user must enter dat code at another form n click download (myfile.php) (onli 1 text field n download[click] )

So then da file gets downloaded... (file: XXX)

MORAL OR REASON- I dont wanna send da file.. I want them to download it using a code... So different donwloads ll have different codes ll have different codes..

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I think what you are asking for is the following:

1. A link in your email will take your customer back to a page on your site.
2. This page has a form and input where they enter a code
3. When the form is submitted it is validated and the customer can then download the file

The first question is - Is the code unique to each customer or simply static.

If it is static then you basically need to validate the form value against the code. If it fails you can use validation toolkit to display the appropriate message.

If the validation passes then you can trigger the File Download using the WA Server Behaviour.

I think that's what you were asking?


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I agree with u, Ian Sheldon..

Ian Sheldon i agree with u.. That's what extly i need .. but i donno hw extly to do.. i m not a programmer n smthng.. i jsut know very little of dreamweaver.. PLEASE HELP ME hw to do this extly.. :)

Thnk u

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

well, there are a few missing pieces of information that we would need to know before we can tell you how to accomplish this:

1) Is the code unique to each user? or is a generic code sent to everybody?

2) is there only one file that will be downloaded? or does the downloaded file change based on the code entered?

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See there no login page or smthng... So anytime i need to send file to any customer i ll given them a random code lets "ddasdvnfif234eiwsd123f".
So then they must type it in a text field click next or watevr n then they go to another page den then they get to download it thr.. if they enter wrong code, an error must be shown.

So answers to questions:
1) Is the code unique to each user? or is a generic code sent to everybody?
ans- Yes every single code is unique and different.. Can be used by anybody if they have the code.

2) is there only one file that will be downloaded? or does the downloaded file change based on the code entered?
ans- after entering the code, thr is gonna be only 1 file to download..

So every code will have 1 single download file..

I hope u will temme how to do this extly. i ll be more dan happy with the service by WEBASSIST
Thank U

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

well, you would need to have a database table that would relate each code to each file, for example:

| codeID | code | fileName |
| 1 | 1234567 | |
| 2 | abcdefg | |
| 3 | 1234abc | |
| 4 | abc4567 | |

then in the email, add a link to your download page

<a href="">Doanload your file</a>

on the download page, add the form with a text box and submit button.

create a recordset that will filter the code column on the code entered in the text box.

In the Download file server behavior, set the file name to use the fileName column of the recordset and trigger to use any form post.

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K.. I got da thing..Isnt dr any other way ?
Like i mean i ll have to create thousands of database 1 by 1 den :(

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You could use a separate script to create any number of random codes that you want, and wrap the Data Assist Code in a DO WHILE loop.

If you want me to put together a random code generation script then message and we can sort something out.


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yes please do help me out in dat.. generating random codes.. n also hw to create thounsands of codes n filenames each wit unique..

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