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Repeating table and repeating nested row

Thread began 7/21/2011 3:35 pm by Jared Lui | Last modified 7/26/2011 1:03 pm by Jared Lui | 5837 views | 15 replies |

Jared Lui

Repeating table and repeating nested row

I have read and reread several posts regarding nested repeats. Tried the David Powers approach and tried Tom Mucks extension and I am not sure either of those work for my situation or at least I need some advice as I am becoming confused.

I have 3 main tables: LINE; SERIES; FIGURES
FIGURES is a child of SERIES and SERIES is a child of LINE (if that makes sense)
Each table consists of many columns but for clarity these are the ones that matter in this post.

NOTE: from now on I plan to use camelCase for my columns names; thanks Jason.
LINE - Line_Id, Line_Name
SERIES - Series_Id, Series_Name, Line_Id
FIGURES - Figure_Id, Figure_Name, Series_Id, Line_Id

I have a Line_Details.php page that you get to from the Line_Results.php page. On this page I show all of the details of the LINE table.
I also have a repeating table with two rows. The top row contains the SERIES that are attached to this selected LINE. For example I have selected the LINE Star Wars from the results and am showing the details for it. There are 3 SERIES that belong to Star Wars in the series table (Vintage, Legacy, Clone). So I have 3 tables that appear on the same page each with the correct Series_Name and the rest of the details.

My issue lies in that I want the second row to list some details of the FIGURES that belong to the SERIES of each repeating table.

I figured repeating the table was easy and then repeating a row inside that table would work but CS4 says otherwise. All the examples I've seen are simple lists with only a column but I need to repeat a row as I need to have dynamic links to detail, delete, update links as well.

You can see it in action here to understand.

I just need some direction more than anything. Currently I am using only one recordset with INNER JOINS for the SERIES and FIGURES tables. I've tried using 2 and 3 recordsets and several methods including the Tuck and Powers way. I'm just confused and need some expert pointers of how you'd go about it. I can provide files/zips as needed.



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Ray BorduinWebAssist

You would use a standard Dreamweaver repeat region around the two rows. Then within the two rows you could nest another table with a DataAssist Repeated Selection.

If you want help implementing this it is something we could help with in a Premiere Support ticket.

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Jared Lui

I'll give this a whirl. The way I tried before gave me a message the DW couldn't do nested repeats.

Would I need separate recordsets or would my INNER JOINed rs work?


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Ray BorduinWebAssist

You can't nest DW repeat regions, but you can nest a WA Repeat Selection inside a DW repeat region.

Probably a separate recordset is the better way to go, but you will need to move the recordset from the top of the page and nest it inside the loop for it to work properly.

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Jared Lui

Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for the advice.

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Jared Lui

Okay, I have solved the nested table issue for the most part. There really should be a solution recipe or something regarding this as it appears this is brought up a lot. In fact when I figure this out I may write up one myself and donate it to you.

Anyway, I have my tables and rows repeating from the look of it but I am having issues with the second recordset. Does anyone have a recordset example I can look at.

I'm having issues trying to create a proper filter using the value from the first recordset.

Looking at this link: figure_lines_Detail.php?Line_Id=1

You notice my SERIES table is repeating correctly and all 3 Series are individual. The FIGURES row is repeating in all 3 series tables. I hard coded the WHERE statement in the loop to return results. Its that recordset that I need help in creating the filter.

Attaching the zip for clarity.

Attached Files
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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Yes... there is a little trick I came up with that you can use to filter one recordset with the value from another.

It won't work if you try to set a recordset parameter run-time value directly to a row in a previously created recordset... so what you can do is create a fake $_POST field and then set it to the recordset row in the code.

So say that you want to create a recordset parameter in Recordset2 and have it set to $row_Recordset1['fieldname']... instead in the DW recordset server behavior you set the run-time value to $_POST['Recordset1_fieldname'] and then in the code you manually add:

$_POST['Recordset1_fieldname'] = $row_Recordset1['fieldname'];

Just above the Recordset2 parameter reference (inside the repeat region). That will allow you to filter one recordset with the value from another as if it was filtered by a posted form value.

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Jared Lui

Thanks Ray. We'll see how that works.

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Jared Lui

I'm still screwing something up and can't sort out what it is. I think I misunderstand your instructions.

Here's my code with the stuff in bold being what I think your instructions state: This returns no repeated rows for the second recordset.

recordset1 = WADAfigure_lines and the column is series.Series_Id

$_POST['WADAfigure_lines_series.Series_Id'] = $row_WADAfigure_lines['series.Series_Id'];
$ParamSeriesID_rsFigures = "-1";
if (isset($_POST['WADAfigure_lines_series.Series_Id'])) {
$ParamSeriesID_rsFigures = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_POST['WADAfigure_lines_series.Series_Id'] : addslashes($_POST['WADAfigure_lines_series.Series_Id']);

mysql_select_db($database_FIGURES, $FIGURES);
$query_rsFigures = sprintf("SELECT Figure_Name, Figure_Thumbnail, series.Series_Id FROM figures INNER JOIN series ON figures.Series_Id = series.Series_Id WHERE series.Series_Id = %s ORDER BY Figure_Name ASC", GetSQLValueString($ParamSeriesID_rsFigures, "int"));
$rsFigures = mysql_query($query_rsFigures, $FIGURES) or die(mysql_error());
$row_rsFigures = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsFigures);
$totalRows_rsFigures = mysql_num_rows($rsFigures);

// RepeatSelectionCounter_1 Begin Loop
$RepeatSelectionCounter_1_IterationsRemaining = $RepeatSelectionCounter_1_Iterations;
if($RepeatSelectionCounterBasedLooping_1 || $row_rsFigures){
<td><center><img src="../../images/figure_thumb/<?php echo $row_rsFigures['Figure_Thumbnail']; ?>" alt="" name="Figure_Thumbnail" id="Figure_Thumbnail" width="40" height="40" /></center></td>
<td><?php echo $row_rsFigures['Figure_Name']; ?></td>
<td align="right"><a href="#">Links</a></td>
} // RepeatSelectionCounter_1 Begin Alternate Content
<?php } // RepeatSelectionCounter_1 End Alternate Content
if(!$RepeatSelectionCounterBasedLooping_1 && $RepeatSelectionCounter_1_IterationsRemaining != 0){
if(!$row_rsFigures && $RepeatSelectionCounter_1_Iterations == -1){$RepeatSelectionCounter_1_IterationsRemaining = 0;}
$row_rsFigures = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsFigures);
} // RepeatSelectionCounter_1 End Loop

<br />
<?php } while ($row_WADAfigure_lines = mysql_fetch_assoc($WADAfigure_lines)); ?>

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

This looks right to me.... maybe the '.' in the field name is throwing it off? Maybe attach the full page and I might be able to spot the issue in context.

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