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Data Assist hanging

Thread begun 3/18/2009 11:34 am by roby258376 | Last modified 1/24/2010 6:46 am by John Langer | 3563 views | 7 replies |


Data Assist hanging

Hi folks, I'm ready to tear my hair out, so any help would be very much appreciated.

I've been working with DataAssist to create member pages for search, results, update etc. all the normal pages. I get part way through the wizard, and it hangs. Only way to get out of it is to restart DW C4 which of course loses all of my work. It hangs in a different spot each time.

Is this a known issue with DataAssist and DW C4 ? or is it just me?


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No one out there experiencing the same problems? or have any ideas of what I can do to fix this?

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

It is not a known issue. You will probably need to post a support incident and have someone from webassist help you debug this.

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Thanks Ray,

I did, and spoke to someone last week. We thought we had it fixed but alas, it's still crashing and I haven't heard back since. Hopefully someone will contact me today, my client is losing patience with me.

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Data Assist Wizard hangs

I'm having the same problem. Running Data Assist Wizard and it always hangs on the second step - "Select layout options". The results preview and form page preview come up with "please wait, generating preview" message but then it hangs. My client is also getting anxious. I hope someone can help me with this.

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Hey guys,

Have you tried deleting Dreamweaver's cache file?

More on that, click here: 146/

I have found that most problems when wizards hang is because of the dreaded Dreamweaver cache file. Rumor is that Adobe will have this worked out by the next Dreamweaver release.



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Data Assist Wizard hangs

Thanks SOJO Web, but I tried that and still no luck. Does anyone have any other ideas?

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John LangerBeta Tester

Have you tried uninstalling DataAssist, deleting Dreamweaver's cache file and reinstalling DA again?

Have you tried deleting the complete Configuration folder that Dreamweaver's cache file sits in. A bit drastic as you have to reinstall all your extensions again but if it works...

Make sure you back it up first that way you can re-import your snippets etc. It also allows you to re-instate it in case it all goes pear shaped.

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