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Importing Custom Style Sheet

Thread began 10/11/2011 6:16 pm by Martin | Last modified 7/30/2013 9:16 am by drewgss371883 | 4190 views | 24 replies |


Importing Custom Style Sheet


I have just created a Power CMS site and I am trying to add a style sheet containing numerous custom classes for my client. From what I have been reading in the HTML editor section this "import" functionality was supposed to be available in 3.02 (which I have installed).

So I open up the contents_update.php file in the admin_cms folder and click on the HTML Editor icon to edit it. Under the styles list preset I choose the edit button and I then expect to choose the import button - but it is greyed out?? When I click on it I get the message that there are no presets or site style lists. Please define your style list then optionally save as a new preset.

Ok, so I take the default style span tag that is in the list and say ok. The dialog asks me to give it a reference name. I choose "test" (the name I gave it). However when I go back in and choose test again, while I do have a choice to import now, I do not have anyway to browse to my existing style sheet. Do I really have to go in and define everything 1 style at a time? With 30 or 40 custom classes, this is going to get tedious really quickly.

Do you have any ideas what I should be doing differently? Am I missing something? After searching I cannot find any instructions in the Getting Started for PowerCMS builder or HTML Editor to handle this...

Your help would be appreciated as always!

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

next to the editor preset list, click the pencil icon, then go to the Styling tab.

On the Styling tab, click the plus button and select your style sheet to import it.

then click the pencil icon near the bottom to edit the styles that will be listed in the HTML Editor menu.

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Hi Jayson,

Thanks for getting back to me. I knew I must be missing something...

However, when I go to add my stylesheet of classes it works ok. However when I try to save it I get the following message.

"these settings are managed through your website admin area. Please log into your website admin to make changes."

Any idea what that is about??


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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

Some of the settings for the editor are configured in the wa_settings table of the cms database, the editor will not allow these to be changed, and will throw that error message. It should not effect setting the CSS File to import though, as long as the styles list is functioning the way you want, you can ignore that alert.

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I'm poking my nose into this old thread because I'm trying to do the same thing. I've followed your instructions, Jason, and yet my styles aren't showing up in the Styles drop-down in the PowerCMS editor. I know that's not much info, but any thoughts as to what i might be doing wrong?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

first thing to double check is that the changes to the webassist folder where all uploaded to the server.

make sure to upload the entire WebAssist folder.

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Originally Said By: Jason Byrnes
  first thing to double check is that the changes to the webassist folder where all uploaded to the server.

make sure to upload the entire WebAssist folder.  

That fixed it. Thanks, Jason.

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I went through and did exactly this. But my styles still will not show. Is there something else that I am missing. I went into the pages with the editor added the styles in the style panel and then clicked "ok". Then received the error that you can only make changes in the admin area. Clicked ok on that, then went on to upload all the files again on the server. But still no styles of mine show in the editor.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

make sure that the entire webassist folder is uploaded to the server.

you may need to clear the browsers cache to see the changes.

if you continue to have problems, send a screen shot showing the styes tab settings and the settings on the window to edit the styles that are displayed in the styles list (This is the edit icon on the styles tab near the bottom).

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I don't see anything for styles.

I am re-uploading everything. What file is it?

Okay I saw the update but I still do not have a pencil icon in the styles dropdown or in the editor. Please I need to get my style sheet attached!

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