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Checkout Wizard not doing data bindings

Thread began 10/16/2011 3:59 am by rob.parkin390637 | Last modified 10/24/2011 12:14 pm by rob.parkin390637 | 3272 views | 13 replies |


Checkout Wizard not doing data bindings

The checkout wizard is not creating the data bindings in the form in checkout.php.

I had a functioning eCart but needed to make some alterations:

1. I added an additional column (stock code) using the add-to-cart-buttons and eCart Object, then used the Display Manager to recreate my shopping cart page to display this new column. This part seems to work fine.

2. I then used the Checkout Wizard to add a base shipping rate and to change the PayPal account to a different Merchant ID.

I deleted all of the original checkout pages before running the checkout wizard but when the wizard runs it does not do any of the data bindings in the checkout form - and this despite stage 2 of 2 in the wizard saying it will use my database tables and will automatically do the data binding.

I have attached a zip file containing the new checkout.php file created by the wizard and the original one that did have the data bindings for the form and two screen shots of the settings I used with the checkout wizard.

Any idea why the wizard is not creating the checkout page correctly ?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

the behaviors for storing the cart summary and cart details into the database are not added to the checkout page, they will be added to the confirm page.

The cart information is stored into the database when the confirm order button is clicked on the confirm.php page.

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Hi Jason

It's not the cart summary details that I'm talking about; if you look at the two versions of checkout.php I attached you'll see that it's the customer's details from the user table that are not being bound to the fields in the latest iteration of the form produced by the checkout wizard !


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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

the checkout wizard will not add any bindings to a users table, this would need to be done manually after the checkout pages are created.

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OK, ok, ok ! I've just re-read the crib sheet on this - so I guess I must've been having a senior moment when I created this post ... isn't it a bummer when you ask a question to which you've forgotten that you already know the answer !!!


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Oh dear, I still have the problem.

I've now bound the form fields in checkout.php to the recordset (rsUser). When I test the recordset in Dreamweaver - using a UserID I know to be in the database - it works fine, but when I use the checkout form on my site, after login using the same UserID, the checkout form is still not being populated with the user information.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

please send a copy of the page so I can examine the code.

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copy of checkout.php (sent as associated ...

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

try adding the following code at line 1 to force php to find the session:

<?php @session_start(); ?>

if it is still not working, change that to

<?php @session_start(); var_dump($_SESSION); ?>

that will write the session contents to the screen, make sure you have the right session name "UserID"

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Hmmm ...

The first didn't make any difference and the second just produced a page with a footer and an header but no body - see screen shot.

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