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Can security assist replace ADDT userlevels?

Thread begun 3/19/2009 5:18 am by web_assist_mail157665 | Last modified 10/23/2009 8:06 pm by dlovas275157 | 17863 views | 52 replies |


Can security assist replace ADDT userlevels?

Can security assist replace ADDT userlevels?


1) Assign a user level to a user (via login and password)

2) Take you to a particular page depending on your user level at login

3) Show page content depending on user level?



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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Yes... Security Assist allows you to define any number of rules and save any number of session variables from the user table at login. So you can easily store the access level as a session variable and create rules depending on the session variable values.

Those rules can then be used to redirect based on those rules and to hide and show content on any given page after login.

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carleneBeta Tester

Hi! I have a related question to this.

I had set-up a website with ADDT (Adobe Developers Toolkit) - this software is not longer supported by Adobe and won't work with DW CS4 so I'm trying to find another solution.

Will Security Assist work with an existing ADDT created Log-in Security system? I'm now trying to create a store on my secure site and was hoping that I could use the Data Assist tools to do this while working with the existing User Log-in information as well as my existing user database.

Is this possible? And is there any documentation on how to do this anywhere on your site?

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Yes I believe it would work with the existing login page. As long as you know the names of the session variables it stores.

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carleneBeta Tester

Originally Said By: Ray Borduin
  Yes I believe it would work with the existing login page. As long as you know the names of the session variables it stores.  

OK - I'm finally implementing this. How exactly do I use this with the Session variables? (See the reason most of us buy your products is because we're not PHP gurus and need the Wizards to help set things up.)

I have the ADDT registration system that's existing. I want to now use Security Assist for my registration pages. I'd like the new Security Assist log-in to also let existing members log-in as well. (These members were registered with the ADDT registration.) Will this work? And if so - how do I implement it? How and where do these session variables come in if I'm using existing members with ADDT and then the newer members will register with Security Assist into my database.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

I'm not familiar enough with the ADDT system you are using to be able to advise you on how to replace it with Security Assist. I assume it uses some session variable settings, so I'm pretty sure you could mimic it with SecurityAssist, I'm just not familiar enough with ADDT to tell you what session variables need to be set or what Tables need to be updated during the registration process.

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Hi Ray Bordulin,
Have been following your response to questions posted by your clients. You are doing a great job. Keep it up.
Have a question regarding Security Assist. How can I use Security Assist such that when my client complete a registration form in my site, the client is sent an automatic email link requiring them to activate his registration by clicking on the link. In other words, can I use Security assist to set up a registration form similar to User Registration Solution Pack? I understand I will need Data Assist, but can you clue me on how to achive this?

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

You would need Security Assist, Data Assist, and Universal Email.

This is how the user registration starter pack was created. You need to add a boolean "emailVerified" field to your table as well as a "VerificationCode". You can use security assist to generate a random string that you can store in the user record when registering using the dataassist insert server behavior and set the emailVerifed field to false or zero.

Then use Universal Email to send an email to the user email address that just registered. Include in it a link back to your site that includes the email address and verificationCode as url parameters. The page that it links back to can just have the text "Thank you for verifying your email address". It would have a recordset on the top of the page that would filter by the email address and verification code included in the url and return the record ID of the verified user. Then use DataAssist to update that user record and mark it as verified on that page based on the trigger that checks to make sure that recordset is not empty.

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Security Assist Help

Hi Ray,
Thanks for your prompt feedback. I have Security Assist and will be willing to purchase Data Assist and Universal Email if you can help me. I am not a php guru. Will you be willing to give me a step by step procedure to generate the script similar to User Registration Solution Pack?

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

I would suggest purchasing the products and the solution as a working example of what to do.

I think I have already described the steps, but I will still be here if you have questions when going through them.

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