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Insert record only works in Safari

Thread began 11/11/2011 12:18 pm by iainmacdonald331081 | Last modified 11/15/2011 2:39 pm by iainmacdonald331081 | 1298 views | 3 replies |


Insert record only works in Safari

First off, this page actually uses ADDT's insert record, but does also contain WA Validation. and WA Security Assist.

If someone could have a quick look to see if anything obvious may be tripping over something else that would be appreciated, but I obviously understand you won't want to spend more than a few minutes having a quick look.

Basically its a page for users to post a query to a database, and was all working as far as I knew, until I was showing it to someone on a PC, when it didn't work. And it doesn't seem to work in Firefox (Mac) either. But it does work in Safari.

Basically, in Safari, you fill in the form, hit Post Enquiry, and you go to the Enquiry Added page.

But in IE and Firefox the page just reloads and nothing happens.

You can log in to the page here with


And then click on Post Enquiry to see what I mean.


I've also attached a copy of the page if that helps.

I'm basically just not sure what's causing it not to work, but it may be some of the WA stuff.

It may even be something dumb like having to put some code in a different order in the header?


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Well, after about five hours retracing my steps, I finally figured out the offending code - it was the submit button.

On this page:


It works fine with:

<input type="submit" name="KT_Insert1" id="KT_Insert1" value="Post your query" />

But on this page:


It only works in Safari with:

<input name="KT_Insert1" type="image" id="KT_Insert1" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('KT_Insert1','','images/buttons/post_enq uiry2.jpg',1)" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" value="Post your query" src="../images/buttons/post_enquiry1.jpg" border="0" />

As its now nearly 2:30am, I'm not going to try to figure why that should be right now.

Its nothing if not frustrating sometimes, this web design lark!


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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

different browsers handle the image input type differently.

with an image input type, you cant rely on the value for a trigger. some browsers will not pass the value as part of the form post for an image input type.

all browsers, though, will pass the x an y coordinates of where the image was clicked.

I cant speak to the Interakt code, I dont see where they reference the submit button as a trigger, but in the Web Assist code, triggers will be written directly as if statements.

when using a submit button type:

<input type="submit" name="KT_Insert1" id="KT_Insert1" value="Post your query" />

the trigger code would be written as:

if (isset($_POST["KT_Insert1"])) // Trigger


using an image input type of the same name:

<input name="KT_Insert1" type="image" id="KT_Insert1" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('KT_Insert1','','images/buttons/post_enq uiry2.jpg',1)" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" value="Post your query"  src="../images/buttons/post_enquiry1.jpg" border="0" />

that code would work reliably on all browsers, so the webassist trigger code would be re written as:

if (isset($_POST["KT_Insert1_x"])) // Trigger


to check for the x coordinates of where the image was clicked.

here's a fun test to illustrate the issue: Create a blank php page with a form on it, add 3 text boxes, a submit button and an image element

add the following code at the bottom:
<?php var_dump($_POST); ?>

this will write the entire contents of the post array to the page when it is submitted, test this in various browsers and you should see that most dont pass the image elements value, but they do pass the x and y coordinates of where the mouse clicked it.

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Thanks Jason - appreciate you going through that, especially as it was a bit of a random post in the DA forum. My train of thought was that DA was the closest to the insert record form I had, and had initially assumed it was failing due to one script / extension tripping over the other.

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