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retrieve upload in details page?

Thread began 2/08/2012 2:58 pm by gary.brett434358 | Last modified 12/19/2015 6:58 pm by Ray Borduin | 3259 views | 10 replies |


retrieve upload in details page?

I have successfully created a file upload option on an insert page that uploads to a folder and inserts filename into a table.

On the details page I added a field and dragged the filename field from the recordset onto the form, this shows the filename but doesn't allow the user to view the file. I can view images if required by inserting image then choosing dynamic field, but all my uploads are documents, pdfs, docs etc,

Where possible I need to allow users to view all documents they have uploaded and add more via the update page.

If user has uploaded 3 pdfs these would need to be linked on the details page, clicking would open:


Any help appreciated really cannot find any documentation on DFP whatsoever.


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Ian S

You need to create your link to the document by using the standard A tag.

Then add your dynamic code to the A tag to reference the dynamically created file name.


<a href="/CaseDocuments/<?php echo $row_recordset['filename1']; ?>" target="_blank"><?php echo $row_recordset['filename1']; ?></a>


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Originally Said By: Ian S
  You need to create your link to the document by using the standard A tag.

Then add your dynamic code to the A tag to reference the dynamically created file name.


<a href="/CaseDocuments/<?php echo $row_recordset['filename1']; ?>" target="_blank"><?php echo $row_recordset['filename1']; ?></a>


Hi Ian, before I dive into this one, if I have read this correct, I need to manually add a field for each file created into each case?

My database is such that 1 case could have many documents, uploaded at various different times across a period of time, I wouldnt know when they are uploaded.

Case001 - file1.pdf
Case001 - file2.pdf
Case003 - file1.pdf
etc etc etc

Is DFP not able to generate these links on the fly as they are uploaded?

Kind regards


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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

  Is DFP not able to generate these links on the fly as they are uploaded?  

no DFP cannot generate links. DFP can only upload the files, it is up to you to store the file name in the database, and decide what to do with that information (in your case, create links)

  My database is such that 1 case could have many documents  

so you are creating a one to many relationship, to do this, you need to have a cases table and a files table

your files table would have a column for the file name, and a column for the caseID

when a file is uploaded, store the file name in the file name column, store the caseID for the case the file relates to in the caseID column

to create the links, you create a recordset that filters the files table on the corresponding case using the caseID column

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Originally Said By: Jason Byrnes
  so you are creating a one to many relationship, to do this, you need to have a cases table and a files table

your files table would have a column for the file name, and a column for the caseID

when a file is uploaded, store the file name in the file name column, store the caseID for the case the file relates to in the caseID column

to create the links, you create a recordset that filters the files table on the corresponding case using the caseID column  

Hi Jason, the db structure is already built and I have recordset to display the content of the documents table, this is no problem. If if cant show users the uploads then I will need to display this table on a page filtered to logged in user, but does that still leave me without the ability to format the 'filename' field to a href?

I am trying to insert the table using DA repeat table but it always returns zero records, no matter which recordset I base it on.


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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

  If if cant show users the uploads  

but you can show the users the uploads, by storing the file names like I suggested in my previous reply.

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Thanks again, have applied Ians a href example to the required table cell and all is good now.

My initial query was that I would have liked to to display a list of individual filenames in the details page without a table. This is just as good so thank you.


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Ian S

Glad its working Gary.

To be honest, I think storing the data in a table makes it much easier to manage in terms of updating files and deleting them. It also enables you to keep a log of who has uploaded / deleted what should you need that in the future.


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Originally Said By: Ian S
  Glad its working Gary.

To be honest, I think storing the data in a table makes it much easier to manage in terms of updating files and deleting them. It also enables you to keep a log of who has uploaded / deleted what should you need that in the future.


Thanks Ian, yes your right, once I have styled it and filtered by logged in user I expect it will do the job just fine. Now if I could add an icon for the uploaded doc type in a column, Word, PDF!!! Only joking..

Thanks again, much appreciated.


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Ian S

  Now if I could add an icon for the uploaded doc type in a column, Word, PDF!!! Only joking..  

Thats very possible ;-)

When you upload the file you can store the already created file extension binding from DFP and store it in a database. Then you can refer to that value to display the correct icon!

Happy days!


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