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Problems implimenting checkout using checkout wizard

Thread began 7/29/2009 5:31 pm by tequilaboy372007 | Last modified 8/07/2009 6:58 pm by mick106153 | 2067 views | 3 replies |


Problems implimenting checkout using checkout wizard

I have a couple issues, but rather than post multiple threads I'll just put them here.

I've used the checkout wizard to build my checkout pages, and am using USPS for shipping, Protx for payment and included the paypal payment option.

1. When choosing the paypal payment option, I get the following error:

  Rate_Respond.:clsRateV3.UnpackRateNode;SOLServerRates.RateV3_Respond - Missing value for ZipDestination.  

I'm pretty sure the error is something to do with the USPS servers, and this error shows up whether a zipcode was entered or not.

2. When using the standard checkout button, I was able to clear up a previous error I was getting by switching my USPS account over to production servers. But when viewing the confirmation page the only shipping charges that are being calculated are from the initial "rate per item" that I had set during the ecart wizard. It seems the pages aren't fetching shipping costs, however there is no error.

3. There doesn't seem to be anywhere in any of the pages generated by ecart for customers to provide payment information, only a billing address. I ran through the wizard more than once (selecting both the "remote" and "notify" methods for Protx) to see if I missed anything but there doesn't seem to be any pages built to collect credit card info. What exactly am I missing here?

* I'm also having a problem finding, inside the extension, where to go to make any changes to shipping or payment settings after the fact. Does that mean that once the pages are generated that you have to sift through the code to make any changes?

The site is at:

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

I will need to look into this problem with you in more detail.

I have created a ticket in our closed ticket system, please respond to that ticket by logging into the support hostory page at:

I will need you to include a zip file containin all of the checkout files created by the checkout wizard and the WA_eCart folder.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

Looking into this offline, we where able to resolve the problems.

The problem was in the way the checkout page was being created. the Shipping server behavior was being added to the checkout page when it should have been added to the confirm page.

We reran the wizard to have the pages created properly with the shipping server behavior added to the confirm page. This fixed problems 1 and 2.

As for the Third point, "There doesn't seem to be anywhere in any of the pages generated by ecart for customers to provide payment information":

There are no Credit card input fields because Protx only offers Remote Checkout, where the user is transferred to the Payment gateways account to process the transaction.

The user will not enter the credit card information until they get to the Protx site.

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I don't know if your summation here is in response to a comment I made in a different thread a while back but I want to thank you for it. Otherwise all us searchers would have been left hanging.
Please don't stop.



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