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How do I start to sending email to future customers

Thread begun 5/29/2012 3:08 pm by james276087 | Last modified 5/30/2012 8:20 am by james276087 | 2676 views | 7 replies |


How do I start to sending email to future customers

I feel very funny( stupid) to ask this question.

Now I want to send email to future customers.
where do I start.......I couldn't find any tutorial....sorry again take this space

thank you for reading

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Christopher WestCommunity Expert

a question is never stupid so dont worry about always asking many questions on here :)

Im assuming you mean something like a newsletter. on the given page you would create a recordset of all users (perhaps filter them but a int column in your database for all members who have opted in to receive emails). then you would use Universal Email and when you come to the options for that you would click on the TO button and select the recordset thats associated with the users table. I would suggest giving it a few seconds delay to help the hosting server deal with the emails being sent.

If this is the type of thing you want I be happy to give a more constructive and informative step by step with screen shots.

or Im sure any one else would be nice enough to help :)


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Thanks for encourage me...... people like you make Webassist GREAT
I will need that soon so i love to have it step by step with screen shots.
When you have time.....

What I really want this time is that I have some email addresses so I want to tell them that our web site ready to visit.......thanks for reading

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

use Universal Email for this.

create a page with a form on it. the form will only need to have one input box for you to enter the email address you want to send the message to, and a submit button.

Then apply universal email (WebAssist -> Create Email Message). For the from address, enter your email address. for the To address, click the lightning bolt icon and select the email address form element.

for the body, make sure the Create File For the Email option is _not_ checked. Then click the DW Edit button, and design the email body using Dreamweaver.

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Christopher WestCommunity Expert

@Jason I believe he wanted to send multiple email addresses from a database of emails he has on file and send as one big mail out. I was going to help with that. Just trying to make time :)

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

In that case, create a recordset, and set the to address to loop through the recordset.

@chris, if you have time to put together some screen shoots, that would be fantastic.

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Christopher WestCommunity Expert

Ok while I got a little time I just put together a few screenshots and will upload the sourcecode. its just a simple example - with the power of dynamic data you could do some really cool things with your emailer.

just make sure in the table of your database that contains your user details (name, email etc) that you have a field (of int (1) type so that it stored either a 0 or a 1, I did it this way as a user only needs to be 0 (not subscribed) or 1 (subscribed)). Once thats done then you would create the recordset in dreamweaver and filter by the newsletter value of 1. then use the universal email server behaviour. hopefully my screen shots are more then enough to go by.....


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thank you very much......
I will let you know when i completed....

Have wonderful time at work and home.

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