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Ultra-Newb Needs Help

Thread begun 3/02/2009 10:49 am by nkbrules123372836 | Last modified 5/28/2019 9:57 am by Ray Borduin | 10826 views | 15 replies |


Ultra-Newb Needs Help

I don't want to embarass myself by saying how new I am new to web building...well...I guess I already did.

Here's my story up to now...

Built a website with WYSIWYG Web Builder 5, from Pablo. Turned out fine. Then I found out how complicated a User Registration/Password handling script is, so I bought User Registration Solutions Pack.

I have downloaded all files (except Help File #1 on Importing an .SQL into comes up blank...I have a ticket in on that one). I believe I have modified all the files necessary to work with my host and site. All is fine ( far) through Step #4.

Then I hit a brick wall that I'm very familiar with. When I insert the code(s) for the .php into an HTML form in my Web Builder 5, all I get is raw script on my published page.

Like I said, I'm so new at this that I have diaper-rash...please be kind.

1) I haven't published this to my Hostgator account for fear of wiping out the internet for miles around.

2) Not having published it (except in Local Publish on my hard drive), I don't think my computer/WYSIWYG is handling the .php properly.

3) The help file #5 only shows how to incorporate this Pack using Dreamweaver. I don't have Dreamweaver.

I am missing something so basic here, I am sure to be embarassed when I find out what it is. But please remember, there are a lot of us out here that just don't understand all the jargon we find concerning .php and it's fit with .html, WYSIWYG, etc. Assuming I have steps 1 through 4 correct, can someone help me with Step 5?...Incorporating the pages into my site?

Am I even asking the right questions?

Thanks in advance,
Newbie D. Newb

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

If you see raw script it means you aren't viewing your page through a web server, or your web server doesn't have php installed.

What is the web address you are viewing? It should begin with "http://"

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Well, I haven't published to my host to see if it works since I am unsure of how to integrate the pack with my built website. I felt this was the problem. My host is Hostgator and it certainly has .php enabled.

Do I create a form in my builder and insert the code there, then publish to the internet and see if it works?

The insertion of the code is my weakest point at the moment.

And thanks for the quick reply.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Just create a subdirectory in your live site called "test_registration"... upload all of the files there and test it from that directory. It won't interfere with the rest of your site.

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If you are seeing raw php code in the displayed page, make sure your source page has a ".php" extension, not html. That is how the web server knows to use the PHP interpreter.

At least that's one thing to look at.


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I am sooo new at this. HOW NEW ARE YOU?:
I am so new the 12:00 is still flashing on my forehead...

After a little sleep, little being the operative word here, I realize that:

1) I need something to initiate the registration (and subsequent login). That should be a button/tab/link to the page containing user_registration.php, correct?

2) I will upload and test from my host server as the next step in trying this.

3) I edited my docs as instructed by WA with Word saved as .txt, since (.php isn't available) and then change the extension back to .php in Win Explorer. Is this hurting the .php files? If so, what editor should I use. WordPad isn't ant better, though more generic. (I will search for a free .php editor after I post this.)

See? Although I deeply appreciate any and all the replies and help from you kind co-members, I don't think we're dropping back far enough for my mustard-seed-sized brain to jump onto the track. I am glad and sad to say that I believe you underestimate the denseness of my cranial fog. Apparently basic instructions aren't basic enough for me.

I cannot express the depth of my gratitude for the assistance you are offering. Time for the newb to grow up. I promise to post less and experiment more, BTW. :o

I will incorporate all your suggestions and then unfold this sad saga to, hopefully, guide any other fetal-newbs like myself.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

1) yes, if that is what you want the user experience to be.

2) either that, or install a local copy of php and mySQL so that you can test on your home computer. They are both free and relatively easy to install, although a true newbie have been known to take a couple days in the effort. You might want to get the WebAssist database starter kit. It walks you through a lot of what you need to know.

3) Don't use word. Use notepad or wordpad, both of which will allow you to edit .php directly. Or download Dreamweaver... they have a free 30 day trial.

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Thanks for your patience and quick reply.

In reading the help doc #5 entitled "Incorporating the User Registration Solution Pack into your existing site", it says that the (I quote WA here):

"Dreamweaver templates (.dwt) can easily be applied to the pages in User Registration Solution Pack. If you are using a Dreamweaver template, follow these steps for applying the template to these new pages.

1. Open a page from the User Registrstion Solution Pack in Dreamweaver.

2. From the Assets...etc."
(copyright - Webassist)

Unfortunately, I am not using Dreamweaver. I am using Pablo Software Solutions WYSIWYG Web Builder 5. Hopefully you will be familiar with that software. I find it a new(b) designer's dream, but it may be run-of-the-mill, or possibly worthlesss to you seasoned builders. The promo for WA URSP said it can be used with ANY WYSIWYG builder.

Any idea how I incorporate it into that builder? I can find no way to bring the URSP .php files into this builder. Do I copy and paste code? Is that mixing .php with .html? Will the universe explode at the speed of light if I combine the two? (Good safety tip, Igon)

I am not familiar with Dreamweaver, so I can't compare the two. I really don't want to shift to DW for 30 days and then have to buy it because it's the only thing that works. The $360 is a little scary too.

I downloaded a .php / .html editor anticipating your response to the required editing of the user defined files in URSP. (Turned put to be a trial too. I'll look again.) I opened the user_registration.php file from URSP in the editor and copied the code. I stuck it in at what seemed to be an appropriate place in the WB5-built index page and published it, locally and to Hostgator. Nothing showed up on either page.

I am missing something so basic here that I know that when the light goes on I will have to go get the heel of my hand surgically removed from my forehead. But I can't, for the life of me, put this together. If all you kind, patient and knowledgeable people run away from this newb, I totally understand and empathize. I will learn this.

I am going to download the DB tutorial for sale at WA and see if that helps anything, but my questions seem more in the line of basic site structure than database ignorance.

Any suggestions? And of course, thanks for sitting through this pathetic diatribe.

(BTW...I am building for a non-profit, so I'm not just trying to leech hard-earned knowledge and experience from anyone. I will earn nothing and gain only sleep when this comes together.)

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

You might want to use the Pablo Software Solutions WYSIWYG Web Builder 5 forums to get these questions answered. They seem to have an active forum.

Ask them how to set up custom .php pages and mySQL database administration.

It doesn't appear they support Dreamweaver template syntax, so you would just copy and paste the entire page to get a new page that looks similar instead of using the template structure.

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