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Page Indent (CSS) gone

Thread began 8/07/2009 9:47 am by warrencindy368082 | Last modified 8/10/2009 3:18 pm by Jason Byrnes | 4113 views | 7 replies |


Page Indent (CSS) gone

I have added CFSP to a page using the page template. The page functions with no issue. However, adding the code necessary to the page to make it run causes the over all alignment to sbe set to the "left".

I have attached a doc showing the php code I am using. Can someone look at it and tell me where I need to look so it will not over ride my CSS indention on the left?

When I delete this code from the page, the indention returns.

Thanks in advance.

Update: The issue is only showing in IE. The indention appears fine in FireFox

Attached Files
Aligning issue
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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

It's difficult to tell what the problem is with out seeing the code for the entire page.

Please post a link to your site where we scould see the problem to get an idea of what is going wrong.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

When I view source of your page, I see the following code before the doctype tag:

<style type="text/css">
Label {text-transform:uppercase;background:#f9f1e1;padding:0px;}
.inputValue {width:95%;}
.inputText {width:95%; height:50px;}
.inputButton {}
.emailFormError {margin:0px; color:#FF0000}
.style1 {color: #848484}

<script type="text/javascript">
function WAtrimIt(theString,leaveLeft,leaveRight) {
if (!leaveLeft) {
while (theString.charAt(0) == " ")
theString = theString.substring(1);
if (!leaveRight) {
while (theString.charAt(theString.length-1) == " ")
theString = theString.substring(0,theString.length-1);
return theString;

function WAFV_GetValueFromInputType(formElement,inputType,trimWhite) {
var value="";
if (inputType == "select") {
if (formElement.selectedIndex != -1 && formElement.options[formElement.selectedIndex].value && formElement.options[formElement.selectedIndex].value != "") {
value = formElement.options[formElement.selectedIndex].value;
else if (inputType == "checkbox") {
if (formElement.length) {
for (var x=0; x<formElement.length ; x++) {
if (formElement[x].checked && formElement[x].value!="") {
value = formElement[x].value;
else if (formElement.checked)
value = formElement.value;
else if (inputType == "radio") {
if (formElement.length) {
for (var x=0; x<formElement.length; x++) {
if (formElement[x].checked && formElement[x].value!="") {
value = formElement[x].value;
else if (formElement.checked)
value = formElement.value;
else if (inputType == "radiogroup") {
for (var x=0; x<formElement.length; x++) {
if (formElement[x].checked && formElement[x].value!="") {
value = formElement[x].value;
else if (inputType == "iRite") {
var theEditor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance( ;
value = theEditor.GetXHTML(true);
else {
var value = formElement.value;
if (trimWhite) {
value = WAtrimIt(value);
return value;

function WAAddError(formElement,errorMsg,focusIt,stopIt) {
if (document.WAFV_Error) {
document.WAFV_Error += "\n" + errorMsg;
else {
document.WAFV_Error = errorMsg;
if (!document.WAFV_InvalidArray) {
document.WAFV_InvalidArray = new Array();
document.WAFV_InvalidArray[document.WAFV_InvalidArray.length] = formElement;
if (focusIt && !document.WAFV_Focus) {
document.WAFV_Focus = focusIt;

if (stopIt == 1) {
document.WAFV_Stop = true;
else if (stopIt == 2) {
formElement.WAFV_Continue = true;
else if (stopIt == 3) {
formElement.WAFV_Stop = true;
formElement.WAFV_Continue = false;

function WAValidateRQ(formElement,errorMsg,focusIt,stopIt,trimWhite,inputType) {
var isValid = true;
if (!document.WAFV_Stop && !formElement.WAFV_Stop) {
var value=WAFV_GetValueFromInputType(formElement,inputType,trimWhite);
if (value == "") {
isValid = false;
if (!isValid) {
function WAValidateEM(formElement,value,errorMsg,focusIt,stopIt,required) {
var isValid = true;
if ((!document.WAFV_Stop && !formElement.WAFV_Stop) && !(!required && value=="")) {
value = value.toLowerCase();
var knownDomsPat = /^(com|net|org|edu|int|mil|gov|arpa|biz|aero|name|coop|info|pro|museum)$/i;
var emailPat = /^(.+)@(.+)$/i;
var accepted = "\[^\\s\\(\\)><@,;:\\\\\\\"\\.\\[\\]\]+";
var quotedUser = "(\"[^\"]*\")";
var ipDomainPat = /^\[(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\]$/i;
var section = "(" + accepted + "|" + quotedUser + ")";
var userPat = new RegExp("^" + section + "(\\." + section + ")*$");
var domainPat = new RegExp("^" + accepted + "(\\." + accepted +")*$");
var theMatch = value.match(emailPat);
var acceptedPat = new RegExp("^" + accepted + "$");
var userName = "";
var domainName = "";
if (theMatch==null) {
isValid = false;
else {
userName = theMatch[1];
domainName = theMatch[2];
var domArr = domainName.split(".");
var IPArray = domainName.match(ipDomainPat);
for (x=0; x < userName.length; x++) {
if ((userName.charCodeAt(x) > 127 && userName.charCodeAt(x) < 192) || userName.charCodeAt(x) > 255) {
isValid = false;
for (x=0; x < domainName.length; x++) {
if ((domainName.charCodeAt(x) > 127 && domainName.charCodeAt(x) < 192) || domainName.charCodeAt(x) > 255) {
isValid = false;
if (userName.match(userPat) == null) {
isValid = false;
if (IPArray != null) {
for (var x=1; x<=4; x++) {
if (IPArray[x] > 255) {
isValid = false;
for (x=0; x < domArr.length; x++) {
if (domArr[x].search(acceptedPat) == -1 || domArr[x].length == 0 || (domArr[x].length < 2 && x >= domArr.length-2 && x > 0)) {
isValid = false;
if (domArr[domArr.length-1].length !=2 && domArr[domArr.length-1].search(knownDomsPat) == -1) {
isValid = false;
if (domArr.length < 2) {
isValid = false;
if (!isValid) {
function WAAlertErrors(errorHead,errorFoot,setFocus,submitForm) {
if (!document.WAFV_StopAlert) {
document.WAFV_StopAlert = true;
if (document.WAFV_InvalidArray) {
document.WAFV_Stop = true;
var errorMsg = document.WAFV_Error;
if (errorHead!="")
errorMsg = errorHead + "\n" + errorMsg;
if (errorFoot!="")
errorMsg += "\n" + errorFoot;
document.MM_returnValue = false;
if (document.WAFV_Error!="")
else if (submitForm)
if (setFocus && document.WAFV_Focus) {
if (document.getElementById("___Config") && document.WAFV_Focus.type.toLowerCase() == "hidden") {
var theEditor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance(;
setTimeout("setTimeout('document.WAFV_Stop = false;document.WAFV_StopAlert = false;',1)",1);
else {
document.tempFocus = document.WAFV_Focus;
setTimeout("document.tempFocus.focus();setTimeout('document.WAFV_Stop = false;document.WAFV_StopAlert = false;',1)",1);
else {
document.WAFV_Stop = false;
document.WAFV_StopAlert = false;
for (var x=0; x<document.WAFV_InvalidArray.length; x++) {
document.WAFV_InvalidArray[x].WAFV_Stop = false;
else {
document.WAFV_Stop = false;
document.WAFV_StopAlert = false;
if (submitForm) {
document.MM_returnValue = true;
document.WAFV_Focus = false;
document.WAFV_Error = false;
document.WAFV_InvalidArray = false;

it should be moved so that it is after the <head> tag instead.

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OK... sorry for the stupid questions... does it go "after" the <head> and before the </head> OR after the </head> (before the <body>)?

When I try it either way... the alignment is correct but I get Warning errors across the top.

The page is currently with it between them.

next suggestions?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

It should bne between the <head> and </head> tags. You have it correct.

The error you are getting is caused by output to the page before the session_start() function is called. in most cases it is caused by a blank line between the end of a PHP code block and the start of another one, for eaxample:

$phpVar = "value";



Or there could be a blank line at the start of the page on line 1:



judging by this part of the error text;
"(output started at /home/peaces/public_html/contact_us.php:5)"

the error text, the problem is at line 4 or 5.

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You guys are gonna think I'm crazy but the following fied everything:
I put...
<?php require_once('WA_Globals/WA_Globals.php');?>
<?php require_once("WA_ValidationToolkit/WAVT_Scripts_PHP.php"); ?>
<?php require_once("WA_ValidationToolkit/WAVT_ValidatedForm_PHP.php"); ?>
<?php require_once("WA_Universal_Emai.........
.............Mail All Entries
if ("index.php"!="") {
header("Location: thankyou.php");

All above the DOCTYPE line.

I then put all of the (script and functions):

<script type="text/javascript">
function WAtrimIt(theString,leaveLeft,leaveRight) {
if (!leaveLeft) {
while (theString.charAt(0) == " ")
theString = theString.substring(1);
if (!leaveRight) {.........


......ument.WAFV_Focus = false;
document.WAFV_Error = false;
document.WAFV_InvalidArray = false;

INSIDE the head tags.

All works fine.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

excellent, glad to hear it is working.

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