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Bridge Crashes

Thread began 11/12/2012 4:06 pm by nickj | Last modified 11/27/2012 2:43 pm by Patrice | 2384 views | 9 replies |


Bridge Crashes

Four time in a row the DataAssist wizard has crashed right in the middle of creating the pages. I have deleted the cashe file when there is one. I have reinstalled three times.

MAC 10.7 DataBridge 1.0.9

When is 1.1.0 coming with some fixes?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

before starting the Data Assist wizard, you should close the Server Behaviors and Files panels in dreamweaver as these will be updated while the wizard runs, this can sometimes create memory issues in Dreamweaver.

also, If you have the option enabled in your site to synch on save, this can cause memory issues as the pages are created and saved rapidly.

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Thanks for these tips. I have done these steps but still crashing. I shut down all programs to conserve memory. Mac Pro: 10.6.8, 2.66 GHz Quad-Core Intel, 8 GB memory. Anything I can do to improve this?


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more details:
This is an older site with older data assist files for admin. I'm ignoring that folder and creating a new admin with new Databridge admin. Maybe a conflict?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

I have created a support ticket so we can look into this issue further.

To view and edit your support ticket, please log into your support history:

If anyone else is experiencing this same issue, please append to this thread.

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Thanks Jason.

Here's what I did and got it to work for now. I uninstalled and reinstalled Databridge. Restarted computer. It seems to have cleared out whatever was crashing it. I'll leave the ticket open in case this fix doesn't last. Fingers crossed.

Is there anything you know of to give DW more memory? Should I buy more computer memory?

Thanks again.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

Ok, glad to hear it is working, let us know if the problem returns.

there is not a way to allocate more memory to Dreamweaver.

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I got one set done, the next crashed again.

I'm trying to narrow down if it is one particular table or not.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

update the incident with contact information and we can look into it with you.

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Thanks Jason.

I muddled thru. I'd get one crash for every other table. What is pretty weird, is that the last DB update, on a new site, I had no issues. I was so pleased with the last update. It was faster, no crashes etc.

I finally got all my tables into admin. Took a while. The only thing I can identify was that the new DB was being used in a 2002 site, with an early data assist in 2007 probably. Pretty old tables. Might be related to how I created original tables, but not sure.

Anyway, muddled through. I do want to restate that on a fresh site, DB has been wonderful with no crashes. It's the older ones I'm seeing crashes. But on my new ones, I've taken your advice on how to name fields also. Old ones use underscore as in pc_ID etc. You taught me not to use underscore and go to pcId etc. New ones are that way.

Anyway... you can close the help ticket. I got it done.

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