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No Day Without Errors

Thread began 11/25/2012 5:52 am by Cologne | Last modified 1/07/2013 9:04 am by Jason Byrnes | 3591 views | 11 replies |


No Day Without Errors


sorry, but, there is no day, I aint got any error in your extensions.


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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

here are updated copies of the 2 files from the shared/webassist/securityassist/xml folder that should correct the problem. If you need help finding the configuration folder, see the common installation issues page:

Make sure to also delete the .dat file after replacing the 2 attached files.

Attached Files
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Hi Jason,

great the error is gone :-)

but I think I got a little understanding problem with the return email password :-)

this does not wort cause of the $_GET['fp_id'] in the update. but how to fix that?

if (isset($_POST["buttonResetPasswort"]) || isset($_POST["buttonResetPasswort_x"])) {
$WAFV_Redirect = "";
$_SESSION['WAVT_newPasswordstep4_703_Errors'] = "";
if ($WAFV_Redirect == "") {
$WAFV_Redirect = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
$WAFV_Errors = "";
$WAFV_Errors .= WAValidateRX(((isset($_POST["title"]))?$_POST["title"]:"") . "","/^$/i",false,1);
$WAFV_Errors .= WAValidateAN(((isset($_POST["newPassword"]))?$_POST["newPassword"]:"") . "",true,true,true,false,"@ßüöäÜÖÄ#-_$%&()=?:;*",true,2);
$WAFV_Errors .= WAValidateEL(((isset($_POST["newPassword"]))?$_POST["newPassword"]:"") . "",6,32,true,3);
$WAFV_Errors .= WAValidateLE(((isset($_POST["confirmNewPassword"]))?$_POST["confirmNewPassword"]:"") . "",((isset($_POST["newPassword"]))?$_POST["newPassword"]:"") . "",true,4);
$WAFV_Errors .= WAValidateRX(((isset($_POST["confirm"]))?$_POST["confirm"]:"") . "","/^$/i",false,5);

if ($WAFV_Errors != "") {
function WA_SecurityAssist_Email_1_EncryptionReturn($tParams){ //Encrypted Return
global $WA_Auth_Parameter;
$WA_Auth_Parameter = $tParams;
}// WA_SecurityAssist_Email_1_EncryptionReturn
if(isset($_GET["fp_data"]) && isset($_GET["fp_id"]) && isset($_GET["fp_email"])){
//WA SecurityAssist Encrypted Email Return
$WA_Auth_Parameter = array(
"encryptedreturn" => true,
"connection" => $unserWeihnachtsfenster,
"database" => $database_unserWeihnachtsfenster,
"tableName" => "members",
"keyColumn" => "id",
"columnType" => "int",
"usernameColumn" => "username",
"usernameEncryption" => "",
"passwordColumn" => "password",
"passwordEncryption" => "md5",
"failRedirect" => "newPassword_step_3.php",
"toAddressColumn" => "username",
"toAddressEncryption" => "",
"returnFunction" => "WA_SecurityAssist_Email_1_EncryptionReturn"

// WA DataAssist Update
if (isset($_POST["buttonResetPasswort"]) || isset($_POST["buttonResetPasswort_x"])) // Trigger
$WA_connection = $unserWeihnachtsfenster;
$WA_table = "members";
$WA_redirectURL = "newPassword_step_5.php";
if (function_exists("rel2abs")) $WA_redirectURL = $WA_redirectURL?rel2abs($WA_redirectURL,dirname(__FILE__)):"";
$WA_keepQueryString = false;
$WA_indexField = "id";
$WA_fieldNamesStr = "password|ip|host|timestamp";
$WA_fieldValuesStr = "".WA_MD5Encryption(((isset($_POST["newPassword"]))?$_POST["newPassword"]:"")) ."" . $WA_AB_Split . "".((isset($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]))?$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]:"") ."" . $WA_AB_Split . "".gethostbyaddr(((isset($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]))?$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]:"")) ."" . $WA_AB_Split . "".date('Y-m-d H:i:s') ."";
$WA_columnTypesStr = "',none,''|',none,''|',none,''|',none,NULL";
$WA_comparisonStr = "=|=|=|=";
$WA_fieldNames = explode("|", $WA_fieldNamesStr);
$WA_fieldValues = explode($WA_AB_Split, $WA_fieldValuesStr);
$WA_columns = explode("|", $WA_columnTypesStr);

$WA_where_fieldValuesStr = "".((isset($_GET["fp_id"]))?$_GET["fp_id"]:"") ."";
$WA_where_columnTypesStr = "none,none,NULL";
$WA_where_comparisonStr = "=";
$WA_where_fieldNames = explode("|", $WA_indexField);
$WA_where_fieldValues = explode($WA_AB_Split, $WA_where_fieldValuesStr);
$WA_where_columns = explode("|", $WA_where_columnTypesStr);
$WA_where_comparisons = explode("|", $WA_where_comparisonStr);

$WA_connectionDB = $database_unserWeihnachtsfenster;
mysql_select_db($WA_connectionDB, $WA_connection);
$updateParamsObj = WA_AB_generateInsertParams($WA_fieldNames, $WA_columns, $WA_fieldValues, -1);
$WhereObj = WA_AB_generateWhereClause($WA_where_fieldNames, $WA_where_columns, $WA_where_fieldValues, $WA_where_comparisons );
$WA_Sql = "UPDATE `" . $WA_table . "` SET " . $updateParamsObj->WA_setValues . " WHERE " . $WhereObj->sqlWhereClause . "";
$MM_editCmd = mysql_query($WA_Sql, $WA_connection) or die(mysql_error());
if ($WA_redirectURL != "") {
if ($WA_keepQueryString && $WA_redirectURL != "" && isset($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) && $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] !== "" && sizeof($_POST) > 0) {
$WA_redirectURL .= ((strpos($WA_redirectURL, '?') === false)?"?":"&").$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"];
header("Location: ".$WA_redirectURL);
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Unser Weihnachtsfenster</title>

if (ValidatedField('newPasswordstep4_703','newPasswordstep4_703')) {
if ((strpos((",".ValidatedField("newPasswordstep4_703","newPasswordstep4_703").","), "," . "2" . ",") !== false || "2" == "") || (strpos((",".ValidatedField("newPasswordstep4_703","newPasswordstep4_703").","), "," . "3" . ",") !== false || "3" == "")) {
if (!(false)) {
<p>Bitte ein anderes Passwort wählen (6-32 Zeichen).</p>
<?php //WAFV_Conditional newPassword_step_4.php newPasswordstep4_703(2,3:)
if (ValidatedField('newPasswordstep4_703','newPasswordstep4_703')) {
if ((strpos((",".ValidatedField("newPasswordstep4_703","newPasswordstep4_703").","), "," . "4" . ",") !== false || "4" == "")) {
if (!((strpos((",".ValidatedField("newPasswordstep4_703","newPasswordstep4_703").","), "," . "2" . ",") !== false || "2" == "") || (strpos((",".ValidatedField("newPasswordstep4_703","newPasswordstep4_703").","), "," . "3" . ",") !== false || "3" == ""))) {
<p>Passwörter stimmen nicht überein.</p>
<?php //WAFV_Conditional newPassword_step_4.php newPasswordstep4_703(4:2,3)
<form id="formResetPassword" name="formResetPassword" method="post" action="<?php echo (htmlentities($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], ENT_QUOTES)); ?>"><input type="hidden" name="title" id="title" style="display: none;" /><ul><li>
<label for="newPassword">Neues Passwort:</label>
<input type="text" name="newPassword" id="newPassword" />
<label for="confirmNewPassword">Neues Passwort bestätigen:</label>
<input type="text" name="confirmNewPassword" id="confirmNewPassword" />
<input type="submit" name="buttonResetPasswort" id="buttonResetPasswort" value="Passwort zurücksetzen" />
</ul><input type="hidden" name="confirm" id="confirm" style="display: none;" />
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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

the fp_id URL variable is a part of the link that is sent in the email.

The forgot password email will contain a link that return back to the forgot password page, the fp_id URL variable will be part of that link

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Hi Jason,

I know, I tried to use "fp_id" in the UPDATE Behavior, but this does not work.
How is this done in the wizzard. I cant use the wizzard here.



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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

use the following code for the action of the reset password form to ensure that the fp_id URL: variable is resent when the update form posts:

 action="<?php echo (htmlentities($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], ENT_QUOTES)); ?>?<?php echo preg_replace("/^&/"""preg_replace("/&?invalid=true/"""$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"])); ?>"
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Hey Jason,

this works, thanks.
But I think in the XML is an error.

Redirect. MATCH and DIFFRENCE changed :-)


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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

I dont follow, please provide more details

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Redirect in the Wizzard.

go to step_2

go to step_3

goto step_4

when I enter my email, it gets me to failed, step_3 but I get an email with the link :-)

this is what changed :-)


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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

ok, that makes more sense. It's always helpful to provide as much details as possible when reporting a problem.

in the security_assist/helper_php.php file, find the following code:

if (isset($_SESSION["WA_MailObject_Status"]) && $_SESSION["WA_MailObject_Status"] == "Success") {

and change it to:

if (isset($GLOBALS["WA_MailObject_Status"]) && $GLOBALS["WA_MailObject_Status"] == "Success") {

it may occur more than once, you will need to change all instances.

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