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DataAssist Wizard errors

Thread began 8/17/2009 8:48 am by rob75685 | Last modified 11/10/2009 4:16 pm by kwsim | 6563 views | 11 replies |


DataAssist Wizard errors


The Data Assist Wizard has suddenly decided not to give me any previews, with the following error:

While executing onLoad in WA_AppBuilder.htm, a JavaScript error occurred.

Can you help please


PS - In Application Support - Adobe - Dreamweaver 9 - I get a new folder appearing called Configurationundefined, which contains another folder called WAPreview... which I imagine is related to the problem

- I've also tried removing the MacFileCache, but this just hangs it completely with Web to PNG errors

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

It sounds as though the configuration folder has become corrupted. Please see the following post for instructions on recreating the configuration folder:

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no difference...


Thanks for your reply. I've just spent the last hour renaming the Configuration folder, removing all extensions and reinstalling them again...

...and the error is exactly the same

SiteAssist wizard previews ok though

Update: I've reinstalled Dreamweaver, and just installed DataAssist - and now WebToPNG crashes every time!!!

I've spent half the morning now trying to get your software to work.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

I have created a support ticket for you so we can investigate this issue.

Please update your support ticket by logging into your support history:

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WADA error messages

Hi. I'm getting similar messages (While executing onLoad in WA_AppBuilder.htm, the following JavaScript error(s) occured: At line 337 of file "Macintosh HD:Applications:Adobe Dreamweaver CS4:Configuration:Commands:WA_AppBuilder.js"WASA_Bundle.checkSerial is not a function).

This all began after I installed latest versions of SiteAssistPro, CSSMenuWriter and CSSSculptor as instructed (IE deleted old ones first). I've tried deleting MacFileCache, I've tried deleting and reinstalling all 4 extensions including WADA - no joy and now Menu Writer doesn't work (similar message).

Is the path above right? I can't see any WA files in that folder. Shouldn't it be looking in user/library/Application Support/Adobe/Dreamweaver CS4/en_US/Configuration/etc just a thought.

I'm running Mac OS X 10.5.7 (Latest), DreamweaverCS4 (latest) and all the latest WA extensions......

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

I have created a support ticket for you so we can investigate this issue.

Please update your support ticket by logging into your support history:

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Are any of these pages using DW templates. I've run into problems using DataAssist w/DW templates. I was getting this message when using Multiple Delete behavior:

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
While executing canApplyServerBehavior in WADA_MultiDelete.htm, a JavaScript error occurred.

When I remove the DW template I don't get it any more.

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Similar errors

Hi, I am getting something similar. When running the DA wizzard, I get javascript errors.
The pages are build without a recordset. I click + server behaviour, then cancel and the recordset appears in the server behaviours pannel???. It has a red !. If I then open it, I get an error realting to thye SQL param not being valid.

I have just re-installed all extensions and deleted the cache file. No Joy !!

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Eric Mittman

To both Travis and jebrandon, there has been a new dot release update for DataAssist that is meant to deal with the issues that were posted by the previous users on this thread. Please login to and visit your download area to obtain the newest release of 2.0.6. When installing this release please make sure to completely uninstall the previous release first, otherwise there will be other problems.

Once you have the latest release installed please run through it again to confirm weather or not the issue is resolved for you. If not please post back and start a new thread as the issue will not be related to the others in this current thread.

Whenever a ticket has been opened for a user on an issue it is best to start a new thread rather than adding to the existing one. If you need to you can post a link or make reference to the other thread if you thing the issue is related. This makes the process of managing the open issues and creating new tickets if needed much more workable for us.

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Having same issue

Please advise

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