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Nice Move!

Thread begun 3/02/2009 2:19 pm by tjhartweg287262 | Last modified 4/08/2009 7:29 am by Ray Borduin | 6886 views | 8 replies |


Nice Move!

Thank you for moving to the new forum software and separating the topics by product. The old forums had become way too unwieldy and frustrating for me.

This is a huge improvement, and I'll be using the products I've purchased from you a lot more in the future.

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Awesome change! Great appearance! This standardized forum program will serve very well. Now we need to fill it up with product complaints. ;)

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UK Web Design

Originally Said By: BPC
  Awesome change! Great appearance! This standardized forum program will serve very well. Now we need to fill it up with product complaints. ;)  

lol wont get that many of them I think wa are doing a stand up job, well done folks keep up the good work.

What did you use for the forum did you do it all yourselves or did you use a software package?

I feel an extension coming on if you did it yourselves lol

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

The forum is built with a software package. Thank goodness we don't have to create the extension then? ;)

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David StringerBeta Tester

Just a tiny little grumble!

Can I raise a point here? I agree that WA are doing a grand job and long may it continue. I just love all the extensions they build and look forward to the next.

I have a problem with the new WA site when using Firefox 3.0.8. It appears in my browser way oversized and yet, dare I say it, in IE 8 it appears correctly. I much prefer to use Firefox, so could you put it right, please, or tell me why it doesn't display OK? Also to a much lesser extent, the forum appears oversized in Firefox. Is it my browser/computer or do others see this also?

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Danilo Celic


What do you mean by appears way oversized? I just checked in IE7 and Firefox 3 (3.0.8) and they appear to be the same size. Did you by chance hit CTRL ++ in Firefox to increase the size (or View -> Zoom -> Zoom in) and it is remembering that resize?

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David StringerBeta Tester

Originally Said By: danilo

What do you mean by appears way oversized? I just checked in IE7 and Firefox 3 (3.0.8) and they appear to be the same size. Did you by chance hit CTRL ++ in Firefox to increase the size (or View -> Zoom -> Zoom in) and it is remembering that resize?  

You got it in one, lol. Thanks.

I upgraded Firefox recently and that's when the problem started. I wasn't even aware of the zoom tool!

I shall have to investigate things in a bit more depth in future.

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UK Web Design

Originally Said By: Ray Borduin
  The forum is built with a software package. Thank goodness we don't have to create the extension then? ;)  

could I ask which forum software you used??

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

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