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strange progress bar error...

Thread begun 8/18/2009 1:02 pm by deafboyz_audio386924 | Last modified 9/02/2009 2:50 pm by deafboyz_audio386924 | 4302 views | 10 replies |


strange progress bar error...

ok i was trying to make a progress bar on my upload page and i got this error when i clicked on the ok button to make the progress bar: "Making this change would require changing code that is locked by a template or translator. The change will be discarded." the region my form is in is editable and i have no translators on it. any ideas? here is my code
<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form1" id="form1">
<input name="Browse5" type="file" id="browse" size="45" maxlength="200" />
<input name="Browse4" type="file" id="browse" size="45" maxlength="200" />
<input name="Browse3" type="file" id="browse" size="45" maxlength="200" />
<input name="Browse2" type="file" id="browse" size="45" maxlength="200" />
<input name="Browse" type="file" id="browse" size="45" maxlength="200" />
<input name="Submit" type="submit" id="submit" value="Upload" /></form>

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Eric Mittman

This type of error happens from time to time when you are editing template derived pages. Sometimes just closing and re-opening Dreamweaver will help you to get past this, other times you will need to temporarily detach the page from the template and apply the code, then re-attach the template to the page. If you do some looking around in this forum you will find a few instances of this that others have encountered. It seems to be a sporadic type of error that does not always happen for all users.

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ok i did that and now when i re apply the template the regions are all screwed up, there are 2 regions that "dont match up" but i tried every combo of placing them places. one is the main content and its obvious where that goes and the other is the header, which i cant select the right place to put it. either way i can delete the header in the main content(only place it lets me put it) but the template locked sidebar does not appear. not too happy with this program so far..,... any help is appreciated. thanks

can i lock the certain regions and then link them to changes from a template any other way?

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Eric Mittman

I do not know of any other way to make changes like this in a template file. It may be worth having a copy of the page detached from the template, then add in the progress bar and copy and paste the code that is added into the correct spots in the template derived file.

The progress bar should only be adding in code like this in the head:

<script src="WA_DigitalFilePro/jquery-blockui-formprocessing.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

And like this in the body:

<div id="form2_ProgressMessageWrapper" class="blockUIOverlay" style="display:none;">
<script type="text/javascript">
WADFP_SetProgressToForm('form2', 'form2_ProgressMessageWrapper', WADFP_Theme_Options['BigSpin:CaboSunset']);
<div id="form2_ProgressMessage" >

<p style="margin:10px; padding:5px;" ><img src="WA_DigitalFilePro/images/cabo-largespin.gif" alt="" title="" style="vertical-align:middle;" />&nbsp;&nbsp;Please wait</p>

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ok thanks a lot bud

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Eric Mittman

I have responded to another post where a similar issue was occurring and it turned out that clicking ok on the warning allowed the code to be written to the page without issue.

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yea mine says that it will have to edit uneditable regions so the process will not be executed. i tried cutting and pasting the code and that didnt work, i thought i was bein careful to get everything but my elements were not styled. oh well, i got bigger things to worry about right now. for now im just remembering those pages dont update automatically.

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Eric Mittman

The error message you are referring to is the same one I am referring to. If you click ok on this it should put in the code for the progress bar anyway. Have you tried that, what was the result?

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yea i tried that. the error says exactly "making this change would require changing code that is locked by a template or a translator. the change will be discarded" i click ok and the progress bar is discarded, it is nowhere in the code. the only way i can get it to go is to detach the template. but when i go to reapply it the head is different and the only place it gives me to line the template up with is the doctitle. i end up having 2 headers and a sidebar that isnt locked no matter what i do... grrrrr.... so for now i just have 3 pages that arent hooked to a template, i have to change em manually

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Eric Mittman

There may be one more way to work around this without having to detach the template from within Dreamweaver. You will need to open the page up in an external editor, like notepad. Find the following line toward the top of the page and temporarily remove it:

<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/your template file.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->

Then save the page and open it in DW again and try to apply the progress bar. It should let you place code into any part of the page now. Please give this a try, you will need to add this template reference back into the page in the same place when you are done.

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