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Credit Card Processing Not Required

Thread began 8/18/2009 3:00 pm by kiwinicknz383387 | Last modified 8/31/2009 7:23 am by Ray Borduin | 5344 views | 16 replies |


Credit Card Processing Not Required


Great products!
I have Powerstore2 and have set it up on 'localhost' all is running well but...
We do not require any monetary transaction to take place no credit card details are required, all we require is the shipping destination which i guess could double as the billing info or vice-a-versa (and order number details etc) to be sent via email upon checkout, is this possible? If so could you provide me with screen shots of what i need to do etc.

I do have ecart but was hoping this could be achieved easily in PS2

P.S i have read that not using a payment gateway may cause inventory/charts features to fail, it would awesome to keep them, but not too concerned if they don't is there a way too fool it perhaps?

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Eric Mittman

In order to make it so you do not process the transaction you only need to set the test mode in the Globals file. This will make it so that you do not process with the gateway.

Other than this you will need to remove the validations for the form elements on the checkout page, there are two sets of validations. The spry validations can be removed directly from the checkout form by selecting the spry box around the inputs from design view. Look at the name for that spry input and go to the bottom of the page in code view and delete the corresponding spry code. For example the credit card field has this spry associated to it:


You will need to find the script code at the bottom of the page for this spry element, it looks like this:

var sprytextfield2 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprytextfield2", "credit_card", {validateOn:["blur"]});

Delete this line of script from the bottom of the page to get rid of the spry validation for that field.

Next you will need to remove the server validation that occurs on the confirm page. On this page toward the top around line 125 you will find the server validations, just remove the one for the field you are working on, in the credit card number example you would remove this validation:

line 132: $WAFV_Errors .= WAValidateCC(((isset($_POST["cc_number"]))?$_POST["cc_number"]:"") . "","4:51:52:53:54:55:34:37:6011:",true,8);

Once you have removed the validations for these fields you are ok to delete the field itself. This will get you a checkout minus the billing portion. The users should get to the checkout success page when going through the checkout process.

On your confirm page and checkout success page you will want to re-arrange the display of the info you have and remove any reference to form elements or values that are no longer needed. If you need any other help with this just let us know.

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Verification/Registration/Order Prcossesed Email

Hello again

Thankyou Eric for the response. I have now uploaded my PS2 site to a 'live' (their is still work to be done but that is just changing basic colours etc) the site can be located at:


I was hoping you could have a look and help me solve 3 issues (gulp!)

1. When i register the verification code gives me this error:
404 Not Found
The requested URL /test/users_Confirm.php?ID=1&code=SbmUcGmQ3KytJO1anjOD does not exist.

2. Once registered (by going into mysql database and entering '1' in the verification table in an attempt to trick into thinking that the email address has been verified) it does not seem to retain the email address if i log out and log in again? And consequently cannot log in without repeating the registration again.

3. When i submit an order and go through to the 'order receipt' page i do not receive any emails with those details (even though the page says it has sent an email and all is well)

I feel i'm so close to getting this up and running (after much trial and error) but if we could just iron out these (hopefully) minor glitches it would very much appreciated

(I'm doing this from NZ in NZ time so if i don't respond automatically to any replies it just means sleep depravation has got the better of me)

Thanks in advance
Kind regards

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Eric Mittman

I was able to register to your site without issue, however I too got the 404 error when clicking on the link. When I examine the URL for the link I think that I can spot the issue, it looks like the URL you have for the user confirmation page is actually going to


The problem is that the TLD is not defined, so when I click on this link I'm taken to this page:


This is when the 404 occurs, to fix this you should make sure to put in the into the URL for your site. This should get the user directed to the correct page. When I manually update the link to go to it takes me to the correct page where my email address is verified.

Once my email was verified I was able to login to the site without issue.

In regards to the email receipt it looks like things going through ok on the site, could you post your confirm page in a zip archive to this thread so that it can be looked at more closely. If it contains any sensitive details don't post it and I can open a ticket for you to post.

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Order Prcossesed Email

Attached is the file

Attached Files
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Originally Said By: Eric Mittman
  In regards to the email receipt it looks like things going through ok on the site, could you post your confirm page in a zip archive to this thread so that it can be looked at more closely. If it contains any sensitive details don't post it and I can open a ticket for you to post.  

I also have this problem: the email with the order details is not sent. Other emails are sent (forgot password, registration) but the email receipt does not ever get sent.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Remove the redirect page specified in the Store cart Details in database section. It is causing a redirect before the email is sent.

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Order Prcossesed Email

Hey Ray,

Sorry can you be a bit more specific, i think i have found the correct line. Is possible for you to post an image etc of code? Cheers

Kind Regards

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

// WA eCart Store Cart Details in Db
if (isset($_POST["Submit_order"])) // Trigger
$WA_connection = $localhost;
$WA_table = "orderdetails";
$WA_redirectURL = "checkout_success.php";

change the last line to:
$WA_redirectURL = "";

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Order Prcossesed Email

Hey Ray,

Thankyou. This appears to leave me stranded on the Order Confirmation page, not the Receipt Page, and still no email has been sent?

Kind regards

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