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editing Powerstore 2

Thread began 8/19/2009 3:48 pm by rayne202093 | Last modified 8/31/2009 8:15 am by Ray Borduin | 9822 views | 35 replies |


editing Powerstore 2

Is it possible to edit the Powerstore cart (WA_Store_Cart) using the Display Manager? I would like to change the cart to not display tax or shipping (both are not calculated for this store). Would it mess up the functionality of the Powerstore to exchange the WA_Store_Cart to a cart that can be edited with the Display Manager?

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Eric Mittman

You can definitely use eCart to edit the cart functionality in Power Store. If you have eCart installed you will see that the PowerStore cart object is available in the eCart object panel. To make a new cart display you should start by making a backup of your existing cart.php page. Then you will need to remove the existing cart display from this page. Once it has been completely removed you can add in a new cart display from the eCart insert bar and choose the options you would like for the display.

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Thanks for the reply. The cart can be edited in the eCart object panel, but it cannot be edited in the display manager? Is that right?

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Eric Mittman

You can edit the properties of the cart within the cart object through the eCart object panel interface. This is where you configure things like charges, discounts and what columns are in the cart.

The cart display manager is a create only process, once you have added a cart display to a page there is no way to update it within the interfaces. Instead you need to remove the cart display that you have on the page and add a new one to get the newest updated version of the cart to display. You would want to do this for any cart display that you have created before updating the columns, charges or discounts in your cart.

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OK, thanks for the information.

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Hi Eric,

you mention removing the existing cart display from the page - how exactly do I do that? I mean, I know html, css, SOME php - but not much. So how do I know what's for the cart and what needs to be there for other reasons? (meaning, there's a lot of php code above the body, right?)

Originally Said By: Eric Mittman
  You can definitely use eCart to edit the cart functionality in Power Store. If you have eCart installed you will see that the PowerStore cart object is available in the eCart object panel. To make a new cart display you should start by making a backup of your existing cart.php page. Then you will need to remove the existing cart display from this page. Once it has been completely removed you can add in a new cart display from the eCart insert bar and choose the options you would like for the display.  
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Ray BorduinWebAssist

You could add the display to another page and only copy and paste the html portion to your current page so that you take the server code out of the equation.

Even leaving the server code wouldn't do much harm. It would simply be repeated and you could go through and remove the repeated sections.

Or if you want to remove them by hand, the portions that would need to be removed are all commented and associated with the Update, Clear, Continue Shopping, and Cancel buttons. Find the comments that refer to those buttons and remove them in the server code.

Any of those techniques would work and wouldn't require any extensive knowlege of code.

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Thanks for the reply.

I have a couple other threads that aren't answered yet - one of the threads being that shipping is not being calculated even though I have added the appropriate values in my globals. I have it to use UPS. I added my ups access key, and account information. But it doesn't calculate any shipping costs. I'm using the checkout and cart files pretty much unedited from the PowerStore v2 files. What am I doing wrong? Do you think I need to follow your instructions you just mentioned to get this to work?

Also - I'm having problems with my checkout process (it says my credit card information isn't correct and I should redo the checkout process -- even though I'm using valid CC#s). The only reason I'm asking this here is because the thread that I opened hasn't been answered and it's somewhat related - being that I'm wondering if I need to redo the checkout process since whatever came with powerstore v2 isn't working even though I have the globals file filled out correctly.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

There must be another problem with the files. It would work if the globals and form are filled out correctly and no other changes to the page were made.

Maybe you have the global for shipping in general set to false?

$WAGLOBAL_Shipping_Enabled = false; //set to true if you intend to use shipping rate lookup.

Where does it say your cc is incorrect? Is that the validation message or is that on the checkout_failure page? I would not suggest regenerating anything until you understand the problem better.

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The global for enabling shipping is set to true. That's the first thing I checked.

Regarding the CC - it says Transaction denied (or failed? not sure) - but it happens right after I fill out the billing information and hit checkout. I have all the globals filled out so that it will go through with NO sandboxing or testing enabled. Because I have's own testing set to on, so I can check to see if anything even makes it to's server, but it seems it doesn't even make it to them.

What should I check now?

Originally Said By: Ray Borduin
  There must be another problem with the files. It would work if the globals and form are filled out correctly and no other changes to the page were made.

Maybe you have the global for shipping in general set to false?

$WAGLOBAL_Shipping_Enabled = false; //set to true if you intend to use shipping rate lookup.

Where does it say your cc is incorrect? Is that the validation message or is that on the checkout_failure page? I would not suggest regenerating anything until you understand the problem better.  
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