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Thread begun 3/26/2009 2:09 pm by berndrendic374326 | Last modified 8/10/2009 10:47 am by Justin Nemeth | 4423 views | 5 replies |



I do run a website in dreamweaver , but have never worked with either php nor mysql ...
so i thought this could be a good tutorial to get me into it ...

but before i could start with it
i spent 3 days trying to figure out how to set up mysql and php ...
which is not explained in this tutorial

and after spending another few days searching uselless tutorials that got me nowhere ... i am totally speachless and ready to give up ....I ve never in my life was stuck for so long on something that should be so simple ...

instead of learning how to use it i lost my time trying to set it up

if you know a good and clear tutorial how to set up php with my sql

I beg you let me know

thanks in advance

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Michael Lekse


I'm not sure if you have seen this document but it walks you through setting up PHP and MySQL... It is a general tech note called "Web Development - Before you begin".



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No I dont have that , and its just what i need thanks a lot , :)

I did go at the end with wamp server ( its self installing without needs to do any setting and configuring , and i have never managed to get my sql working even though i followed some tutorials line by line :(

Thanks again

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really disappointed with database starterkit, but for the bucks I guess it wasn't too bad.
but I have to tell you, I posted a question in another part of the forum and a person mentioned david powers, I bought his books php solutions and dreamweaver cs4 with css, ajaz, and php. incredible stuff, especially the new php soluitions.

Mysql is a snap to install and get ready (now creating tables and even using gui tools or phpMyAdmin, is another thing. oddly enough I think my experience with linux makes me feel more at home running mysql command line...I AM NOT A CODE MONKEY, just an end user who prefers linux for personal use) and oddly enough, the new php executable for win works better than the instructions in his book, but there are updates at friends of ed for those chapters which deals with the php executable for win and the adjustments you have to make...not really his fault, just I think adjustments to the configuration of mysql and php which took place most likely after the book went to press.

have to admit though I am really leaning towards setting my linux box as the testing server over a local network rather than the localhost option, gives me the experience.

I think really you should install each package individually, it would really help you out...when the time comes to run on your host's servers. matter of fact once I was finished I had a plethora of CMS' running on my localhost testing each one out...took me about an hour's reading, and googling everything prior to reading the book just succeeded in giving me a headache!

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MySQL install user and pass instructions

Hey guys

I have installed MySQL Admin and Query browser and the tutorial for PHP database starter kit skips this step and assumes you know how to get in? weird.

I have tried localhost root etc etc and even the MySQL website is unable to tell me.

I think I can get the hang of it if I just knew what the default serverhost/port/user/pass was for both admin and query browser,

help!!!!... (MAC OSX 10.5.6)

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Justin Nemeth

Try connecting to "localhost" with user "root" and no password.

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