eCart Checkout Wizard - Site Settings - https or http for site?
In the Site Settings section of the eCart Checkout Wizard, should we be specifying the https or http versions of our domain or does the Payment Settings section handle that.
Also, relating to the Payment Settings section, "Enable In-Context Checkout" isn't applicable to us in the UK, is that right? It was just that it mentions "SSL required" so I wondered, seeing as we have that, if we should be ticking it. I KNOW it says "U.S. only" but it's worth asking I've found. ;o)
In the Orders section, saving to database, what information do I use to populate the OrderShipName, OrderShipAddress etc?
In the preset example it uses, for OrderShipName for example:
<?php echo(WA_coalesce(array(WA_getSavedFormValue('CheckoutWizard_NewFromBlank_Default','First_Name_2'),WA_getSavedFormValue('CheckoutWizard_NewFromBlank_Default','First_Name')))); ?> <?php echo(WA_coalesce(array(WA_getSavedFormValue('CheckoutWizard_NewFromBlank_Default','Last_Name_2'),WA_getSavedFormValue('CheckoutWizard_NewFromBlank_Default','Last_Name')))); ?>
Should I be using "eCart Checkout Form" in the Dynamic Data list and, I assume, the shipping form fields, not the billing?
When I complete the order table binding, assuming I have things correct above, and try to then do the bindings for the order detail table, it doesn't show me my list of tables in the "Table" list?
This kind of relates, I wonder, to the fact that there is a wee bug/glitch in the initial order table binding section whereby I have to select the table before the one I want to actually use. Would appreciate your help as I keep stumbling into dead ends where I'm sure I'm following the map correctly.
Thank you.