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Moved from GoDaddy to 1&1!

Thread began 4/06/2014 11:51 am by Roz431315 | Last modified 4/16/2014 7:30 am by Jason Byrnes | 5947 views | 34 replies |


Moved from GoDaddy to 1&1!

Hi Jason,

I moved a website from godaddy to 1&1 and want to reinstall PowerMessenger.

Downloaded and unzipped file from webassist all of these files and folders go into the root \ or in a subfolder PowerMessenger that is in the root.

Are there any files or folders that I need to delete in order to get the install process to start as I'm sure there is some files that were uploaded from my local when website was with Godaddy?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

I would recommend uploading the power messenger to a subfolder of the website.

If you are uploading a fresh copy of the files as downloaded from the WebAssist site, there is nothing that you will need to delete in order to start the installation.

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Is there documentation that would allow you to have an email sign up on your website that would update the email mailing list for PowerMessenger?

Does PowerMessenger update users that want to unsubscribe or emails that bounce?

Do you find that the default settings work well on 1&1

Max Emails: 200
Emails Every: 1
Seconds Between Emails: 1

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

Go to Mailings -> Groups to create a new mailing group.

once a group is created, click the Get Sign Up form HTML button to get the HTML code you can add to a page to allow users to sign up for that group.

No, those settings wont work with 1 and 1. see this page for details on the limits they impose:

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After reading 1&1 documentation, is the following correct?

Max Emails: 55
Emails Every: 1
Seconds Between Emails: 1

Send 55 emails ever 1 minute and the 55 emails would go out every 1 seconds? This email list would be about 500 emails Do the above settings seem reasonable?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

That would keep the mailing at the top of their limits, It's usually best to have the settings be under the limits though.

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Does that mean you would do something like this?
Max Emails: 55
Emails Every: 2
Seconds Between Emails: 2

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

yes, that is more like what i would use.

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Hi Jason, I tried to load the Database pm1_userswith table a CSV file...Using instructions below the user first name was in the email field.

I deleted all the users using the empty command and need start again, I've attached the CSV file I am using. Can you look at the CSV file? The 1&1& phpMyadmin is a little different now from when this documentation was written. I'm not sure if the CSV file is wrong or I did not check or uncheck something.

Got the following from a POST:

you can import a list that is in a CSV File to the Power Messenger MySQL Database using PHPMyAdmin or another MySQL GUI Tool.

importing CSV data to your database can be tricky.

the CSV file will need to be formatted correctly to fit the requirements of the Power Messenger database. The first row of the CSV file will need to set the column names, and use the same naming convention of the power messenger database. you dont need to include all of these columns in the csv file, but the column names you can use are:


Once the CSV file is edited to include the column names, open it in a text editor like TextWrangler or Notepad

the first row will be a comma separated list of the column names, select the entire first row and select Edit -> Cut, make sure not to leave an empty row at the beging and save it (I recomend using save as to save it with a different name.

The reason for this step is that we need a comma separated list of the column names that are being imported in the same order as the columns in the csv file, this is needed for the import operation in PHPMyAdmin, we dont want to leave the column names in the CSV file, or a row will be inserted in the database with the column names.

I recommend using the save as method so you have one csv file with the data and column names and another with just the data, this way as your experimenting, you can easily copy the comma separated list of column names again.

Now open PHPMyADmin, select the power mesenger database, and select the pm1_users table

Go to the Import Tab.

Click the location of text file and select the csv file that has only the data in it

under the section "Format of imported file" select CSV.

Leave all the defaults as is except for:
In Fields terminated by, change that to a comma ","

In Column name paste the comma separated list of the columns that

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

your csv has only 3 columns, so the comma separated list of columns should be:


also, the fields are not surounded by quotes, so the settings to use would be:

Fields Terminated By: , <- enter the comma character
Fields Enclosed By: {empty} <- leave that field empty
Fields Escaped By: \ <- enter the back slash character
Lines Terminated by: auto <- enter the word auto

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