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Blank "From" / UTC time format / Submit button being included as dynamic variable / Renaming dynamic Variables

Thread began 4/08/2014 4:08 am by Nathon Jones Web Design | Last modified 4/28/2014 10:28 am by Jason Byrnes | 4241 views | 21 replies |

Nathon Jones Web Design

Blank "From" / UTC time format / Submit button being included as dynamic variable / Renaming dynamic Variables

Few problems with Universal E-mail...

We have the behaviour installed on a confirmation page:

...which receives values from the form on our contact page:

When we submit the form, the From field is blank however when we click "Reply" it is correctly filled in. This is the value we're using for the From field: <?php echo(WA_getSavedFormValue("contactFORM","LEDContactEmail")) ?>

Rather than UTC can we display GMT? Can we also have the date in UK format? It is currently m-d-yyyy

Our contact form has a Submit button, obviously, however this button is being included as one of the dynamic variables when we receive the e-mail. How do we prevent that?

Is it possible to customise the titles of the dynamic variables or does that have to be done on the contact form?

Thank you.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

for the form address, try using:

<?php echo(isset($_POST['LEDContactEmail'])?$_POST['LEDContactEmail']:""); ?>

for the time zone, add this at line 1 of the confirm page:

<?php date_default_timezone_set('Europe/London'); ?>

The list of valid timezones is here...

for the date display:

edit the email template file. the code generates the date will look like this:
<?php echo date("n-j-Y", $now); ?>

you change the formatting characters:

to the format you would like to use, see the php date manual for more details:

This tutorial:

has details on customizing the email to suppress certain elements lie the submit button and customizing the email

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Nathon Jones Web Design

Thank you for this advice Jason, but I'm scared to touch this now because this form has suddenly become embroiled into the problems we're having with the payment process.

As getting the site online and taking payments is the priorty, I'd really like to get that resolved first then I can come back to this form.

Thank you.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

in your other thread, i asked you to add code to the failure page that would show the contents of the session.

for testing checkout, use a clean browsing session. in other words close the browser completely and restart it so that sessions created by other pages in the site will not add confusion to debugging the checkout process, basically, since this form is saving to a session, it will also show on the failure page along with the paypal response.

your testing to many things in the same browsing session and causing confusion when trying to look at the troubleshooting information.

in web site testing, you should be constantly restarting the browser.

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Nathon Jones Web Design

Hi Jason,

I've been trying to follow this tutorial, as recommended:

...but there is nothing in there about how you change the titles of the displayed form fields. Here is how my form arrives:

Customer service enquiry for LED Warehouse Ltd
A customer has submitted an enquiry via the contact form on the LED Warehouse Ltd website.

Form Submitted: 4-25-2014 | 12:49 PM UTC
LEDContactName: Nathon Jones
LEDContactPhone: 01671 404924

LEDContactOrder: 12345
LEDContactDetail: Testing testing 32345

Additional Notes: yadda yadda

How do I change the titles such as LEDContactName, LEDContactOrder etc?
Also, "contactbtn" which is the name of the Submit button on the contact form page, is being displayed as if it were a form field?

Would appreciate your advice
Thank you.

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Nathon Jones Web Design

<?php echo(isset($_POST['LEDContactEmail'])?$_POST['LEDContactEmail']:""); ?> the From field hasn't resolved the problem. The e-mail is still arriving with a blank "From" field.
Would appreciate your advice and assistance.
Thank you.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

Did you enter a from display name?

In some server configurations, the from address may show blank if a from display name is entered, some may show a blank from address if no from display name is entered. try both with and without.

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Nathon Jones Web Design

There is no option to enter a "From" display name in the Create Email Message behaviour.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

yes there is, click the from button to get to the advanced from settings.

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Nathon Jones Web Design

Had no idea those could be clicked!

What should I enter in the From field (it is blank just now) considering that we had to hack the From e-mail address from being:

<?php echo(WA_getSavedFormValue("contactFORM","LEDContactEmail")) ?>

to being...
<?php echo (isset($_POST['LEDContactEmail'])?$_POST['LEDContactEmail']:""); ?>

Out of interest, why didn't <?php echo(WA_getSavedFormValue("contactFORM","LEDContactEmail")) ?> work?

Thank you

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