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Theme question

Thread began 7/13/2014 11:17 am by Webbie | Last modified 8/05/2014 1:29 pm by Jason Byrnes | 2574 views | 7 replies |


Theme question

I made one template of about three templates i have into a theme but am confused as to where i should to the editing to make changes to all the pages inluded in the theme?

I am trying to get my logo to update throughout all of the pages and have noticed that the logo on my dreamweaver template is different from the pages it is fathering so im trying this.

Where do i make changes to my logo after i have made the template into a theme?


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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

you should be editing the template for this.

if you are editing the template, but the change is not being reflected, there are a few possibilities:
-You are editing a different template than is used by the theme that is applied to the page
-The logo is an editable region in the template, so will need to be edited on the pages themselves
-The page is using the template, not the theme, in this case, you need to apply template changes to the page using the Modify -> Templates -> Update pages menu item.

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Actually figured it out, my header has its own style sheet just had to find it.

The framework is great, however i ran into a problem when themeing the rest of my DWT's. All other templates works except the monthly_packages.dwt

What happaned was it turned all the pages the template was fathering to have the same content as the template.

so the Monthly_packages.dwt turned> > > > into the same content as the template.

All those pages still show they have their original content on them in my ftp but the live pages are the template or copies of the same page.

Do you know how this happened and how i can get them back to their original form?


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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

in the Templates/monthly_packages.dwt.php file, there was thefollowing code at the end:

<?php WA_manageSEO(); ?>
<?php WA_manageSEO(); ?>
<?php WA_manageSEO(); ?>

which was causing php errors to occur, the php errors where breaking the theme functionality. I removed those lines of code to get the template working again.

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you are god,

Thank you

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

you're welcome.

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I have a question pertaining to Google analytic's

I am required to insert

a script and a php include into the head and body of all my pages in order to track their progress.

I am able to put them into my dw templates but i can get them into every page due to they are not editable areas from the templates and themes.

Do you know how i can get google code into each page by somehow overriding the template editable regions?


Does Google pick them up if i insert them into just the template?

Google says they must be inserted into each individual page.


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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

put it into the template, not in an editable region, and the code will be added to each page that uses the template.

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