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Web Development: Before you begin...

Thread begun 3/30/2009 4:01 pm by Stratavarius | Last modified 7/05/2011 5:18 am by charlwat27427903 | 12221 views | 8 replies |


Web Development: Before you begin...

I've followed this tutorial to the letter.


I'm at the point this point---> Configuring IIS for Vista (page 8)

In step 4 (adding a script map)

I've input the required values:

Request path: *.php
Executable: C:\php\php5isapi.dll
Name: PHP

When I click OK, the Add Script Map dialogue appears...
I click Yes, as instructed, but then an error window pops up saying,

"The specified module required by this handler is not in the modules list."

How do I overcome this?

I'd like to finish the rest of the set up...


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Originally Said By: helpfuldynamics375327
  I've followed this tutorial to the letter.


I'm at the point this point---> Configuring IIS for Vista (page 8)

In step 4 (adding a script map)

I've input the required values:

Request path: *.php
Executable: C:\php\php5isapi.dll
Name: PHP

When I click OK, the Add Script Map dialogue appears...
I click Yes, as instructed, but then an error window pops up saying,

"The specified module required by this handler is not in the modules list."

How do I overcome this?

I'd like to finish the rest of the set up...


I think you're on your own dude...

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Try posting a support incident. It appears nobody is familiar with this error so you may need direct engineering assistance.

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I had the same problem. Fix as follows:

Control Panel
->Turn Windows features on or off
->Internet Information Services
->World Wide Web Services
->Application Development Features
->enable ISAPI Extensions

Then try adding the script map again.

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If you want to use PHP on your Windows box then download WAMP Server.

IIS takes a lot of configuration for a newbie whereas wamp server installs first time with everything good to go.

Other extensions in PHP can also be enabled at the click of a button rather than uncommenting lines of code in the php.ini file.

It also sets up MySQL very nicely with PHPMyAdmin for management.

Save yourself some time.

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David StringerBeta Tester

Originally Said By: geordie728
  If you want to use PHP on your Windows box then download WAMP Server.

IIS takes a lot of configuration for a newbie whereas wamp server installs first time with everything good to go.

Other extensions in PHP can also be enabled at the click of a button rather than uncommenting lines of code in the php.ini file.

It also sets up MySQL very nicely with PHPMyAdmin for management.

Save yourself some time.  

I would totally reiterate these sentiments by Geordie. It is the easiest and fastest setup and easily run programme and covers all the bases!

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thanx for sharing

Web Design Chennai

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Thank you for your help and suggestions. I am planning to create a new website for myself and I think you can surely help me out in this situation.

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web development

Web development takes into account many security considerations, such as data entry error checking through forms, filtering output, and encryption.Malicious practices such as SQL injection can be executed by users with ill intent yet with only primitive knowledge of web development as a whole. Scripts can be exploited to grant unauthorized access to malicious users trying to collect information such as email addresses, passwords and protected content like credit card numbers..................
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