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base ref throwing things off....

Thread began 8/12/2016 7:23 am by Jamie | Last modified 8/17/2016 10:34 am by Ray Borduin | 1851 views | 12 replies |


base ref throwing things off....

hey Ray

Just wondering if you wouldnt mind just casting your eye on this issue

Basically, I am creating simple jquery tabbed panels to contain different galleries and it should look and work like this:

However, on a live page it looks like this

Now, I have narrowed it down to the fact that on the live page I use <base href="" >. If I remove the base ref, I then lose all styling etc. on that particular page as well as the mod rewritten links

What can I do to get round this for the gallery pages?



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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Put the full url in the base href like:

<base href="">

Are these links to the same page with htaccess redirects? It looks like totally different pages with different html and css when I view the source. Can I see an example without the base tag that works?

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they are different pages...the first one being how it should look and work, the 2nd one being the 'live' version

Have tried using a base ref <base href=""> (and that is cunrrenlty what its set to ( as its a mod rewritten page and that is the actual file

I tried <base href=""> and also <base href=""> where weddings is returned using <?php echo($PageContents->getColumnVal("Permalink")); ?> and both ways show the page with no formatting, images etc:

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Are you sure the page works without the base href? I feel like that shouldn't be the issue.

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with no base ref, still no styling, formatting or images.

I spent all day on Friday testing different blocks of code to try and work out why all the tabs are being populated with page contents.

As an example, heres the basic page (not the live version) without the base ref and this is the same page with the base ref added - as you can see, in the latter its adding the pagecontent into the tabs somehow :S

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Does it all work when going to the page directly without mod rewrite?

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if the basref is set to then yes but not f baseref is set to ttp://

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

The base href should be the full url to the page that would appear if you didn't use a mod rewrite. It basically tells the page what the relative location of the page is when it can't get it from the url because of the mod rewrite so you can still use relative paths for images and css. The base href should include a page name.

Once it works properly with the actual page and the base href is pointing to the page, then the mod rewrite shouldn't break anything. I'd start by getting it all working without the mod rewrite or base href. Then add the base href and then add the mod rewrite. I don't feel like the issue is with the base href... it is just confusing matters.

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OK have set it up at its basic and it works here without mod rewrite or base href:

I have commented out the mod rewrite but as soon as I add a base href eg or it causes the issue to happen :(

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

I'd have to play around with it. That shouldn't happen. If I could get FTP access I'll play around with it and see if I can figure out what is going on.

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