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Postage charges

Thread began 9/04/2009 1:40 pm by warrenphillips25336771 | Last modified 12/15/2009 9:31 am by Jason Byrnes | 6220 views | 13 replies |

warrenphillips25336771Beta Tester

Postage charges

Can some one please show me how to make the postage charges for uk shipping, i have asked 4 times now and this support is not giving me the answer, I have paid good money for a product that does not explain how to incorporate your own shipping charges, office i appreciate all the help you have given but i need an answer that will give detailed guidelines to do this, can someone from wa please start answering my questions as i have 4/5 posts on this section that no one from was could be bothered to answer properly.

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I'm setting up sites in Australia and New Zealand and I'd also really appreciate an answer on this one too. I'm having a horrible time trying to figure out how to set up postage/shipping charges.

I purchased eCart as well as Powerstore to try and get round the problem of Powerstore being set up only for American customers, but am still having trouble, even after many posts asking for assistance.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

How exactly would you like the postage charges to work?

eCart has a lot of flexibility so I will need some details on how you wish to configure the shipping charges.

I am trying to look back through your previous posts, but a quick search does not come up with any dealing with shipping.

Please explain how you wish the shipping charge to function, and I will describe the steps necessary to implement it that way.

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It's just that Powerstore is only set up with American systems in mind. We really could do with something that allows us to charge flat rates depending on where what country the customer comes from.

There needs to be somewhere that powerstore gets the country information. Perhaps a drop down of countries in the cart area? And then we can set up rules in eCart to set prices for certain countries.

I guess most of your customers are from America, and are probably wondering what we're complaining about, as it looks like it's really easy to set up shipping when you're in the US.

I've been fiddling about with setting up rules and triggers and calculations and session variables and forms, which is what's required to set up shipping charges for the rest of us.

Jason, your support is really excellent and I have no complaints about that, but I also believe that sometimes you don't realise what a hassle this is for we non-Americans (and non-programmers).

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I've just found out after much angst that Powerstore and eCart can be set to charge flat rates depending on the country. e.g.

sub total of quantity = 1
if session variable exists [eCartCheckoutForm_country]
if session varable [eCartCheckoutForm_country] = AU
Flat Rate = $7

Simple really - when you know how!

I can now see that there are heaps of ways of setting shipping in Powerstore using eCart, it's just that the support documention and an overview of how the shipping works is lacking.

There are heaps of forum posts regarding shipping options so it appears that many people, including me, are finding this part of the system a bit confusing.

Please take this as constructive critisism! I think Powerstore and eCart are excellent products .... really.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

I am forwarding your concerns to our documentation team. You can also submit any other documentation requests directly through the feed back page here:

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Anitah and Jason,

I'm lost here...

I understand what you're saying about how to set up the rule. (I'm in Canada and want to use flat-rate shipping too...)

The problem I have is - I don't know how to get the shipping to show in any part of the process. I'm not seeing it in cart.php, confirm.php, checkout.php, etc. Nor is it showing up when the order is successfully made (and thus, not being charged!)

Do you have any advice for me on this? Thanks,

PS - Jason, thanks for the idea-submission link - I've added my concerns to the "need documentation" pile.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

If the charge is not showing and not being applied, there are two likely causes;
1) The eCart include file is not being uploaded after you crate the shipping rule.

2) The conditions of the trigger you applied are not being met.

make sure to upload the eCart directory to the server.

if you still have problems, send a screen shot showing how you configured the rule so I can see hoe to begin troubleshooting the problem.

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I can't get the shipping to show up anywhere in the transaction. I've put two screenshots below - one showing what I call "Canada Flat Rate ($7)" eCart Shipping Rule and the other shows that the Admin-side New Order summary shows no shipping there either.

I'm assuming that I still leave my WA_Globals.php setting for shipping rate lookup to FALSE as I am not using a look-up service. I have confirmed that I have saved the document and uploaded it. I have also uploaded the entire WA_eCart directory to ensure that I have all of the scripts, etc on the server.

Again, thanks for having a look...

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

Your triggers are wrong, there are 2 problems:
1) Do not include square brackets in the session variable name.

2) You are using 2 Session variable Exists triggers. You need to use 1 Session variable exists trigger and 1 based on session variable value. I am including a screen shoot showing the correct way to set up the triggers.

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