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Connection Issues

Thread begun 10/31/2018 5:42 am by dhagood355349 | Last modified 11/05/2018 10:13 pm by Ray Borduin | 1584 views | 6 replies |


Connection Issues

I have this happen off and on. One day work using DataAssist no issues. Next day it will not connect, nothing has changed!

The error message doesnt say what is wrong. Web connects fine, test server connects fine, connection file connects fine.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

I couldn't say without screen sharing. Are you using a live remote site or a local testing server? It could be that you haven't started your testing server? If you want help looking into it, give me a call when the issue is happening and I can do screen sharing to debug why.

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Connection Issues

The _mmServerScripts had mysql_connect and not mysqli. Removed extension, renamed, Configuration directory, reinstalled extension, started working again.

When this error occurs it should point to these files as the issue not DW or the Server.

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Ray, I need some help, look all over the web but I think you might be able to help me. I'm not a coder so I'm sure a coder can do this with ease.

On detail page can math be applied when the page opens? I need to take one field, subtract another field to fill in that value into third field.

The example below is from the a detail page. I would like to take Day1_ScaleWeight - (subtact) Day1_Penalty to fill in the mysql table. Seems this would be page to do the math on as once this two data fields are inserted or updated the detail page could be used to run a calculation like this.

$WADADirResD_details = new WA_MySQLi_RS("WADADirResD_details",$ABANet,1);
$WADADirResD_details->setQuery("SELECT id, Division, Location, Date, Name, MemberID, BigBass, BigBassFee, Place, DQ, Day1_Fish, Day1_Alive, Day1_Short, Day1_Penalty, Day1_BigBass, Day1_ScaleWeight, Day1_TotalWeight, Points, Payout, Payout_Description FROM DirResD WHERE id = ?");
$WADADirResD_details->bindParam("i", "".($_GET['id']) ."", "-1"); //Paramid

Thanks in advance!

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

You could do the math in the SQL or with php on the page. In the sql it would look like:

$WADADirResD_details = new WA_MySQLi_RS("WADADirResD_details",$ABANet,1);
$WADADirResD_details->setQuery("SELECT id, Division, Location, Date, Name, MemberID, BigBass, BigBassFee, Place, DQ, Day1_Fish, Day1_Alive, Day1_Short, Day1_Penalty, Day1_BigBass, Day1_ScaleWeight, Day1_TotalWeight, Points, Payout, Payout_Description, Day1_ScaleWeight - Day1_Penalty AS Day1_EffectiveWeight FROM DirResD WHERE id = ?");
$WADADirResD_details->bindParam("i", "".($_GET['id']) ."", "-1"); //Paramid

And then you could display the value in the totalWeight field on the page with:
<?php echo($WADADirResD_details->getColumnVal("Day1_EffectiveWeight")); ?>

Or you could leave your Recordset SQL statement as it is and use this to display the value:

<?php echo($WADADirResD_details->getColumnVal("Day1_ScaleWeight") - $WADADirResD_details->getColumnVal("Day1_Penalty")); ?>

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Thanks for the assist, however, I need to write the value back to the field Day1_ScaleWeight in the table. I understand the display of the data but not how to update the field.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

In an update server behavior you can do math in the bindings with php.

Bind the total weight field to

<?php echo($_POST["textfield1"] - $_POST["textfield2"]); ?>
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