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WebAssist Subscriptions Policy

Thread began 9/11/2009 2:11 pm by support294769 | Last modified 10/04/2009 8:16 am by Ray Borduin | 6703 views | 21 replies |


WebAssist Subscriptions Policy

So after buying the super suite and other extensions over time here is what happend to me.

I misread the documentation on the new library and thought I needed it to continue using my subscriptions.

I was wrong, an honest mistake. I didn't even call in about the activation fee or whatever b/c it's only 49$ BUT here's what happend.....

So I go onto the chat to ask for a refund b/c I bought the thing as a mistake, obviously. I am told that:

"we cannot offer a refund because the system does not allow it"

even though they can waive it?

"yes, because that is BEFORE the transaction"

ok whatever, so a system issue but surely someone can make the call to refund the 49$ outside of the initial purchase channel?

no, they cannot.....

You've got to be kidding me? A loyal extension owner cannot be refunded 49$ due to a system issue? You can't send money any other way than through your initial purchase system?

I feel this is absurd

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Dani Chankhour

The activation fee is a WebAssist Sales Policy and unfortunately this is a Support Forums, and we won't be able to help you in regard to this issue.

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Then, as a Support Forum, perhaps you could advise support294769 as to who COULD help?

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Originally Said By: neil186287
  Then, as a Support Forum, perhaps you could advise support294769 as to who COULD help?  

Thanks Neil but I find web assist to be very happy to take your money and provide respectable support but god forbid it is anything other than that.

Furthermore, Ray Bourdin seemed to have no problem discussing the waiving of the activation fee on these very forums.....

Why waive and not refund for an honest mistake?

Will anyone from WA answer this question and not try a half a$$ed pass off to another department?

Perhaps if I buy something beyond the super suite I've already bought someone will talk to me?

I'm not going away and this issue is not going to die with a simple brush off from WA

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Have you actually called the sales department?

Dani said it was a sales issue and the phone number to sales is listed on the website. I see that you have chatted with someone and posted on the forums but have yet to actually talk to the sales department, so why not call?

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Originally Said By: SOJO web
  Have you actually called the sales department?

Dani said it was a sales issue and the phone number to sales is listed on the website. I see that you have chatted with someone and posted on the forums but have yet to actually talk to the sales department, so why not call?  

What is the difference between getting slapped down by sales on chat or by the phone? My hope is, since many of the management folks post on this board one of them will give me an explanation that makes sense.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Please call and someone will be able to assist you.

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Gimmie a Break

Originally Said By: Ray Borduin
  Please call and someone will be able to assist you.  

I called sales and asked them if they could waive upgrade fees or do something for me since I laid out $900 in April plus another $150 on upgrades and other additions that are under the lease program. I was treated like who the hell are you? we got your money already. They were toataly disrepectful. I work hard for my money and don't like being shortchanged.

They should let us upgrade for free since we laid out the money. Instead they reward people for not doing business with them.

Next time I think I will try

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You do get to upgrade for free on the products you own for the dot releases... that has always been WebAssist's policy -

I am not sure of your logic in this argument... you still got the value of what you purchased AND furthermore... you would still be getting value if you decided to now get the subscription.

How you ask? Well, look at how many new products Web Assist rolls out each year... if you are like me and you end up buying all of them, then the subscription will actually ensure you get the latest and newest tools while guaranteeing that your costs for extensions won't go up.

I have had SuperSuite for almost two years - so I am THRILLED that they went to the subscription model. Think about it, they release at least 6 new products each year that even with discounted pricing because I am SuperSuite owner cost me about $300 plus per year - and as a pro designer, I really can use everything they come out with. Well, now, I am guaranteed to always have the latest and know that my yearly costs will never go above $200.

There's more positive to this than a lot of people are seeing.

Best regards,


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Originally Said By: SOJO web
  You do get to upgrade for free on the products you own for the dot releases... that has always been WebAssist's policy -

I am not sure of your logic in this argument... you still got the value of what you purchased AND furthermore... you would still be getting value if you decided to now get the subscription.

How you ask? Well, look at how many new products Web Assist rolls out each year... if you are like me and you end up buying all of them, then the subscription will actually ensure you get the latest and newest tools while guaranteeing that your costs for extensions won't go up.

I have had SuperSuite for almost two years - so I am THRILLED that they went to the subscription model. Think about it, they release at least 6 new products each year that even with discounted pricing because I am SuperSuite owner cost me about $300 plus per year - and as a pro designer, I really can use everything they come out with. Well, now, I am guaranteed to always have the latest and know that my yearly costs will never go above $200.

There's more positive to this than a lot of people are seeing.

Best regards,



Not everyone is in your exact situation so perhaps there is less positives to those who do not fit into your specific situation.

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