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mrt table showing wrong record number

Thread began 9/23/2019 4:47 pm by software.current355386 | Last modified 9/24/2019 11:40 am by Ray Borduin | 640 views | 5 replies |


mrt table showing wrong record number

mrt table

should show. 1,1,1012 instead shows 1,2,1012
so it will always be 1 record a drift see screen shots

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

There were two issues I had to correct to get this working:

1) You had a redirect in your Update server behavior, so the MRT code never ran. The record in your screen shot was old and leftover from your previous testing I'm assuming. It wasn't being inserted by the update page. I removed the redirect in the update server behavior.

2) It looks like you had recreated the checkbox and repeated region after applying the MRT server behavior. The server behavior adds code to the repeated checkbox that wasn't there. I had to re-apply the MRT server behavior to get it re-added.

Once doing those two things the page started working properly.

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insert page the primary page record number is 1 out in the MRT table main says 1065 but MRT SAYS 1064
Insert & update pages load the file name int the field only
no physical file upload, and the file gets incremented regardless and this is happening even no file transfer

i was unawaree that there was a poblem with the update , thanks for fixing that.
the issue i raised was relating to insert, basially its a follows

when adding a page with x sitelinks you get x entrils withnull value in the adi
dd subequent eries when updatiing s recordit update another record inste
when you . think you have a handle on it spear to hange

wou¬d you be kind enough to ave a look firt hnd by enterring data onlinee nd se e f you can work out whats wrong.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

You had your server behaviors in the wrong order. You had the multiple insert first and then the insert. That means the multiple insert couldn't get the inserted ID from the insert (since it hadn't happened yet) so it was using the ID from the previous insert.

I updated the order of the server behaviors on the page and it appears to work properly now.

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the mrt coding was greated and inserted by the behaviour

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Dreamweaver sometimes puts Server Behaviors in the wrong order, so you have to pay attention to the order of operations. In your case you want to upload a file, insert into the main table, then insert into the associated table. If the server behaviors appear in the wrong order, then you have to cut and paste them into the correct order in the code.

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