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da insert error

Thread begun 12/15/2021 12:08 pm by Patrice | Last modified 7/18/2022 2:15 pm by Ray Borduin | 669 views | 10 replies |


da insert error

Half way through a new site,
Error in DataAssist: Creating Pages.
the error is
"Error in uilnitialize:
TypeError: CONNECTIONS[conn] has no properties
Other DB areas were fine.

I deleted the database in question to start fresh.
I reinstalled DA v2. I can get as far as activate then when trying to use it, get the error.
I have deleted .dat from config.
I have to force quit on DW when it stalls out then the activation code is lost.

Any tips what to try?
Update: Opened older sites and they are behaving, ie, seeing tables.

Update: I may have solved it. After opening older sites, I was able to get to step one in new insert page before it crashed. Progress.
insert and update pages done, so solved. Sorry to be a pest. No clue what made it work.

Another update: upon restarting DW, I had to enter activation again. Is there a way to store activation even if it crashes? I was able to complete this database admin area with perseverance. If the next site has issues, then I'll ask for assistance.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Let me know if it happens again. I'd probably have to do screen sharing with you to debug it since the error occurs in Dreamweaver and I couldn't reproduce it here. It has something to do with a missing connections file, but sometimes you just have to open and close a page for Dreamweaver to refresh the connections found.

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Thanks Ray. I'll keep an eye on it and let you know if I find anything.

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As I worked today on a couple of projects, I ran into it again. Had to re-enter the registration code but was able to keep working ok. Weird.

However, I finally got the go-ahead on the client who wants to do free pickup on her cart, so next week, when you are available, let's do a premier ticket to do the free pickup option and during that session, you can see what I am experiencing with DA. Talk you next week. Thanks.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Yes, as long as I can see the error I'm sure I can fix it. We should be able to do free pickup pretty quickly. Just call me when you are ready.

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thanks... will do... Probably on Tuesday afternoon your time... Thanks.

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It's baacckkk again. This time on new Mac Studio (very fast) and DW CC 2021 version.
All the same behavior. I've reinstalled. I can't find .dat files to delete in CC version.

I can see the tables, did a record set, all ok so it is seeing the database and a page can hold the db content. So not an issue of a wrong password.

The DA pages start off ok, then freeze, and then the uilnitialize error. I opened a site that I had just finished with no issues, and then that one froze up too. Back to the new one. Force quit after every freeze. Restarted computer. Nothing is kicking it hard enough to get DA insert admin area done.

Any other ideas to try?

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Call me and I can look into it in a screen sharing session. Somehow it isn't finding the connection and it is trying to set it from the preset or autosaved settings.

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Thanks Ray: What time is convenient for you? It is 1 pm here.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

I'm here now if you want to call.

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