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Images not being saved after being "placed" in CK editor write-ups

Thread begun 1/07/2022 6:24 am by yogastudents362523 | Last modified 1/07/2022 7:54 pm by Ray Borduin | 1052 views | 16 replies |


Images not being saved after being "placed" in CK editor write-ups


The CK editor successfully uploads images from the local machine onto the server.
They also show up in the CK editor, and be inserted into the text.
But unfortunately, as soon as I hit "Save" or "Upload", those images are unfortunately "lost" and erased from the text.

The editor's current configuration is underneath:

<form name="form1" method="post" action="">
// The initial value to be displayed in the editor.
$CKEditor_initialValue = "". ($rsAllPresenterData->getColumnVal("Biography")?$rsAllPresenterData->getColumnVal("Biography",false):"Please place your Biography here.") ."";
$CKEditor = new CKEditor();
$CKEditor->basePath = "../webassist/ckeditor/";
$CKEditor_config = array();
$CKEditor_config["wa_preset_name"] = "File Manager Enabled";
$CKEditor_config["wa_preset_file"] = "FileManagerEnabled.xml";
$CKEditor_config["width"] = "100%";
$CKEditor_config["height"] = "200px";
$CKEditor_config["dialog_startupFocusTab"] = false;
$CKEditor_config["fullPage"] = false;
$CKEditor_config["tabSpaces"] = 4;
$CKEditor_config["filebrowserBrowseUrl"] = "../webassist/kcfinder/index.php?uicolor=".urlencode(isset($CKEditor_config["uiColor"])?str_replace("#","#",$CKEditor_config["uiColor"]):"#eee")."&theme=webassist_v2&showsidebar=false";
$CKEditor_config["toolbar"] = array(
array( 'Source','-','Save','NewPage','Preview','-','Templates'),
array( 'Cut','Copy','Paste','PasteText','PasteFromWord','-','Print','SpellChecker','Scayt'),
array( 'Undo','Redo','-','Find','Replace','-','SelectAll','RemoveFormat'),
array( 'Form','Checkbox','Radio','TextField','Textarea','Select','Button','ImageButton','HiddenField'),
array( 'BidiLtr','BidiRtl'),
array( 'Bold','Italic','Underline','Strike','-','Subscript','Superscript'),
array( 'NumberedList','BulletedList','-','Outdent','Indent','Blockquote','CreateDiv'),
array( 'JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock'),
array( 'Link','Unlink','Anchor'),
array( 'Image','Flash','Table','HorizontalRule','Smiley','SpecialChar','PageBreak'),
array( 'Styles','Format','Font','FontSize'),
array( 'TextColor','BGColor'),
array( 'Maximize','ShowBlocks','-','About'));
$CKEditor_config["contentsLangDirection"] = "ltr";
$CKEditor_config["entities"] = false;
$CKEditor_config["pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles"] = false;
$CKEditor_config["pasteFromWordRemoveStyles"] = false;
$CKEditor->editor("insertBio", $CKEditor_initialValue, $CKEditor_config);
<input type="submit" name="Update" value="Update">

Thank you,

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The page URL and login credentials are in the private area, thank you.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

It seems to work for me. I was able to add a photo to my bio.

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Emptied browser cache, closed down PC, and restarted. Tried logging in again.
Then if I use login page at (1) in private area, I now cannot log in at all.
Tried all credentials in database. No success.

Reverted to "draft" login page at (2) underneath.
Login successful, but still cannot save images.

Thank you,

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

I think the issue might be the column data size in the database. I notice that if I add more than a few lines of code it gets cut off. The image is probably just getting cut off since it is at the end and you have reached the column data size limit.

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"Longtext" MySQL data type fixes image upload issue


Thank you. I went and had a look at the PowerMessenger settings. The relevant field was set there to "longtext".
So I changed it to that value. And the image now saves quite satisfactorily.

However, I am still having trouble with the login side of things.

The supposedly "main" login page will not work. I keep having to use the draft one that is my "messround" "messround" page! Who knows what long-term horrors might have built up there. I will use SecurityAssist to rebuild the login page, from scratch, if you so advise. And I will then try to remember how we had varied it.

Thank you,

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

What login page doesn't work? I think it worked for me.... what username and password did you enter?

I need specific steps to reproduce the issue. What do you do in precise repeatable steps? What happens? What is wrong? (what did you expect to happen instead?)

If you provide that information then I can reproduce the issue and diagnose why what is happening isn't what you expect to happen.

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I apologise. I gave the steps above.

If I log in at link (1) underneath in private area, and using the given credentials, process fails.
I am returned to the same login page.

If I login at link (2) underneath, with same credentials, it works.

Thank you,

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

It doesn't fail for me in step 1 using that login information.

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I don't know what to say.
I even specifically d/led a version of the Opera browser onto my iPad to test,
so there eouno be no cache or other issues.
It failed immediately

I am baf#led.

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