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Captcha not showing error message and deleting all entries

Thread begun 1/21/2022 2:21 pm by Roxana | Last modified 1/31/2022 5:06 pm by Ray Borduin | 973 views | 28 replies |


Captcha not showing error message and deleting all entries

I have captcha working to the point, that the form will not submit, when the wrong information is entered into the captcha field.

When it does not submit, it shows no error message, but it will delete all entries on the form.

I followed the instructions for the error message to show.

My questions:

1. How do I get the error message to show on a captcha fail?

2. How do I keep the entries intact, so the customer does not have to reenter his data?



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Ray BorduinWebAssist

It looks like you have the fields pre-populated with values from the database. So you want those defaults, but then if they fail validation, then use the values they had when the validation failed. Is that correct?

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None of the fields are pre-populated. The user fills in every field. When the validation fails, the entries are gone. I think I need to set them up as sessions, similar to order entries. Is there a tutorial how to do that?

And the second problem is that it should show "captcha error" when the validation fails.

I also noticed something odd, not sure if it is related. When I first upload the page, I can't edit it and make the edits stick. For example, if I add text, it will not show on reload. I did empty the cache, manually deleted the page on the server.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

I'm not sure why you have the form fields bound to a recordset. You have added two recordsets to your page, $rscontent and $rscontent8.

What are those supposed to be used for?

Page edits not sticking may be because your server has some sort of server caching... Do the edits show up after a few minutes? I don't think that is related.

I don't think you need a support ticket, although I'm certainly willing to do one. I think I can walk you through it, but I just want to understand everything going on with the page so I make sure I give the correct advice.

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$rscontent and $rscontent8 is site content for fields like company, department in 4 languages. It is not the fields the user enters, but the field description.The user enters their information in the white fields. That is the data that disappears when the captcha validation fails.

I remember when first setting up the page, on the order address entry page something needed to be done that the browser remembers those user entries. So that when navigating to the next page and then going back, all those entries would still be there.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

If you want them always stored after. Then use the server behavior "Persistent Form".

That will add bindings for the form element that you can set to the form element values from the Bindings panel.

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I found the persist behaviour, but the values still don't stick. The page reloads without values. I tried finding documentation, ended up trying multiple settings. I added the bindings to the form field, but still no luck.

Offline (local testing) the form will not submit, neither with correct entry nor without. Online the validation works.

The "Captcha Error" message is showing before a failed submit, even though validate if is applied.

And weirdly, once I uploaded a page, I cannot change it. When I add some test text, it will not show. I have to duplicate the page and upload with a new file name for the changes to stick.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

You specified the persist form server to save as a cookie, but set the domain value to: "/mailcaptcha11.php"

If you use domain then it has to be set to your current domain like: "". It should not be a page name, just the domain.

If you leave it blank, then it uses the current domain, so that is probably your best option.

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Still no luck.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Please attach the page. I'd have to look at the code to debug. If you provide FTP access then I can debug it live and try to find the solution.

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