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an unidentified error has occured

Thread begun 4/10/2022 5:12 pm by rebuilt157571 | Last modified 4/25/2022 2:10 pm by Ray Borduin | 1007 views | 10 replies |


an unidentified error has occured

Not sure what changed but I am having problems with databases on all of my websites. If I open a php page, and then open the recordset for that page, it makes the connections fine. Testing the connection is OK. The recordset shows the connection and all of the tables in the database, but if I click on "TEST" I get a dreamweaver error message that says "an unidentified error has occurred" I have checked the URL of the site and made sure the testing server setting are the same as the Website URL. I host on GoDaddy, and all of my domain names recently had the ssl certificates updated via auto ssl. Not sure if that is causing the problem.
I am using Dreamweaver CS6 and the current version of Webassist Databridge

Thanks for your help

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

If you go to your Testing Server settings in your Dreamweaver site definition, do you have https:// in your Website URL settings? If you just added ssl, you may need to update the url to https://

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The ssl has been active for some time, it just recently renewed. GoDaddy uses and auto ssl for all of its domains and it just recently renewed all of my domains. Now every site that uses a database creates the same error message. I have tried changing the URL setting to use https: and with http: neither will work. I can edit and upload static webpages and the sites seem to work OK. Don't know what to do short of having the ssl certificates removed from all of my sites.

I can create a record set, the connection works fine, I can see all of the tables and the data in the tables. but if I click "test" I get the error. Clicking OK creates the recordset but instead of displaying the columns in the table it gives the error message "and unidentified error has occured"

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Please export and send your Dreamweaver site definition. I should be able to import that to reproduce the error so I can debug it.

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Hi Ray The site ste file is attached. Thanks

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

It seems to work for me. I downloaded the Connections folder, then I downloaded the Car_Show_Calendar.php page. I opened the Events recordset and clicked 'test' and the database information was displayed.

Maybe try reinstalling Databridge to get the latest version. Its possible your connection files were overwritten by another extension.

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Hi Ray, I did have the current version of Databridge installed, however i uninstalled databridge and reinstalled. Still had the same problems, for a while, then for some reason I was able to click the test and it worked fine. Was able to see all of the info in the database.
Went to test the site and the results page and insert page both work fine. The update page will not work. I am really confused as I have created many of the pages in the past with no problem. Sending you test files.

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Been playing with this to try and figure it out. On the update page, if I change the filter in the record set to and "Entered Value" (used 421) the update page will run and return the data for that ID. But if I change the filter to URL Parameter to equal "A" (the record id column), click the edit button on the results page, the update page fails.
Really lost, but probably something simple.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Give me a call and I'll debug it with you in a screen share. I'm sure it is something small and simple that I can figure out quickly once I'm able to debug live.

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