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Adding Sizes/Options...

Thread begun 4/05/2009 3:18 pm by davidharley0821369190 | Last modified 4/07/2009 3:46 pm by Ray Borduin | 4587 views | 9 replies |


Adding Sizes/Options...

I've added sizes to all the necessary pages, but its not showing up on my receipt (which I believe is not being passed to, how can I make this happen?

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

You could append it to the name or description in the local checkout server behavior. Are you using local checkout or a remote checkout form? If you are doing remote, the answer is the same but you would have to update the hidden form elements on the confirm page and not the local checkout server behavior.

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How do I append it to the name or description?

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Just add it in front... just like the name is there.. add the field from your eCart column before it with a space in between.

Did you decide if you were using remote or local? Did you see where the name is specified currently? I guess do those two things first and then just copy and paste the value.

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That did the trick, thanks a lot. Btw, Im using Local Checkout. Thanks Ray

One more quick question, I'm trying to implement digital files into my cart, I just purchased digital file pro and universal email(UE I believe I have already integrated into the cart), my question is, the video tutorial seems a bit outdated, should I follow it to the letter or is there a better tutorial to use?

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Follow the concepts but "to the letter" may not work since it is a little out of date.

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New problem:
When I put a download into my cart, i keep getting a shipping failure "no packages to ship". How can get the download to bypass shipping since it doesn't need to be shipped?

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

You may need to update your trigger to account for when the total weight is zero. The error means that the weight was equal to zero... but I guess you figured that part out. Now you just need to account for not calling that code when the weight is equal to zero. This is done in the trigger for the shipping calculation server behavior and requires a small amount of hand coding since that is not one of the default triggers.

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Thanks for walking me through the issues, Ray. Or is there a way to offer "free Shipping" on the downloads?Any thoughts on code?

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

You can always register a discount that equals the shipping amount to offer "Free shipping"... also updating the trigger would effectively give free shipping.

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