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My form on this page isn't submitting. I'm trying to send the data to a mySql database and to send via email - neither is working.

Thread begun 10/10/2022 5:27 pm by vered435903 | Last modified 11/14/2022 11:57 am by Ray Borduin | 853 views | 26 replies |


My form on this page isn't submitting. I'm trying to send the data to a mySql database and to send via email - neither is working.

I have a simple contact form and it's not connecting to my mySql database nor is it sending emails. I have built many forms with Webassist throughout the years, but it's been a while so I'm not sure what the issue is. I've been through every forum I could find and I've been through your video library, but nothing is working to resolve the issue. Here is the page with the form:

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

I'd need FTP access to debug it. You have two issues, not connecting to the database and not sending an emial. They wouldn't be caused by the same thing.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

That FTP information doesn't seem to work for me.

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try it again - I stepped away from my computer for a minute and realized that I hadn't given you access to the full site. I fixed that. Also, I updated my pm with some more information.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

It still isn't working... do I need to use a special port? Do you have IP address restrictions that might be keeping me out?

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see pm

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

I updated the page and fixed the issues. It was failing validation because the session needed to be started. This is a recent issue with the "simple question" captcha when using mysqli. You have to start the session right above the doctype tag or it won't save properly.

Then you also had inconsistent triggers for the three server behaviors. I made them all match.

You also had a recordset with the same name as your connection. That was overwriting the connection with your recordset and caused the insert to fail. Any reference to the connection after that would fail.

Anyway I think it is all working now. You may want to create a thank you message page and add the redirect to that page in the email server behavior so people know it worked.

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Thank you once again Ray! I've been busy on other projects today so I haven't been able to check it, but I will as soon as these other deadlines are met. I'll let you know if I have any other questions once I review your updates.

I am going to be making similar forms on two other sites I'm building for clients. Is there something I should have done differently when using the various wizards? Or do I need to manually add the session? Is there anything else I should be aware of?

Thanks again!

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

I don't know the exact steps you followed, so I can't comment on what to change. There were some errors that I mentioned in the final result.

1) always use the same trigger for any actions that happen during a single process
2) If you use the simple question field, you have to manually add a session_start() call before the <!doctype> tag
3) File uploads should use the "Server File Name" binding when doing an insert or update

If you keep those things in mind, then I think your page would work.

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