I need help with WA show if rules based both on logged in user AND missing content.
Also on the 1st statement I believe we can clean up the ". but I am afraid I may break something in doing so.
On the second statement I want to combine BOTH logged in user as the owner of the record (1st statement) and IF a group name is not selected.
if ("" . $WADAtbl_posts->getColumnVal('customerid') . "" == "" . $_SESSION['SecurityAssist_id'] . "") { // WebAssist Show If
<a href="<?php echo $serverDomain; ?>/manage/post_update.php?postid=<?php echo($WADAtbl_posts->getColumnVal("postid")); ?>"><i class="fas fa-pencil"></i></a>
<?php } ?>
if (($postsPV->getColumnVal("groupname")) == '') { // WebAssist Show If
<li><i class="far fa-exclamation"></i><i class="far fa-users"></i> <span class="tiny-text">As the owner of this we suggest you click update and assign a group to display your post in.</span>
} // ("".($postsPV->getColumnVal("groupname")) ."" == '')