Errors with form submissions
I am having some issues with forms on sites I made for a client many years ago. They are not submitting via email...
This form should be coming to me and to the company's sales team, but it's only coming to me. I am confused because it's partially working; I checked their spam box and my test isn't there.... I set up an FTP user for you but I don't see the PM option anymore. How can I send that to you?
This form isn't submitting to any email addresses.
These sites are very old and need an upgrade. I've spoken to the company managers about this so hopefully that will happen soon. But in the meantime, we need the contact forms to function.
If I need to rebuild the forms, I can do that. But if we can fix them, I prefer that :-)
Let me know how to send you your FTP logins and let me know if you need any more information from me.
Thanks for your help!