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I am having two issues with a new form - it's not sending via email and the checkboxes don't show

Thread begun 7/11/2023 12:57 am by vered435903 | Last modified 8/02/2023 11:41 am by Ray Borduin | 417 views | 8 replies |


I am having two issues with a new form - it's not sending via email and the checkboxes don't show

Hello! I've added another new form, but I have a couple issues:

1. The form isn't sending an email notification when it's submitted (the data is going into the MySql database on the server so I know it's working)
2. The checkboxes aren't showing - you'll see an area in the form with 6 categories - they're supposed to have checkboxes.

Here's the page with the form:

I'll send you FTP access in a PM

Thank you!

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see pm

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Hello, I'm checking in to see if you've had a chance to look at my form :-)

I know I've repeatedly had a problem with emailing the content of my forms through the years.... I have gone back through some of your solutions as well as everything I can find in the forums, but I'm still not getting the emails. Everything is going to the database fine so I know the form is functioning.

One thing I've noticed is that the email wizard doesn't seem to be generating the index file in the WA email folder. I think that may be the root of my problem. Some files I see in my other sites with successfully functioning forms are waue_index_1, mail_php, and mailformatting_php (but those may have been from older WA versions). None of those files are being generated in the site I'm working on now... Could the fact that those files aren't being generated be the reason the forms aren't sending? Or are those files not needed with this newer Databridge version?

I did uninstall and reinstall Databridge - it fixed some errors I had been getting, but the form still isn't sending via email.

Let me know what you think/find.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

1) You have a redirect in your insert server behavior so the code to send the email doesn't have a chance to run. Move the redirect go to page to the email server behavior instead, or move the email code above the insert.

2) In your css file you have:
[type="checkbox"]:checked, [type="checkbox"]:not(:checked) {
position: absolute;
opacity: 0;
pointer-events: none;

That makes any checkboxes that aren't checked invisible. You would have to remove the opacity to fix that issue.

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Thank you so much Ray! I'll give your tips a try and will let you know if I have any more questions.

On a different note, I read your posts about your health.... I hope you're doing better these days!! I'm sending good thoughts your way!

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Hello Again!

I still can't get the email to send, so I reached out to the server/host's tech support. They sent me this article, but I can't see how to include this information either in the wizard or in the page code. I tried inserting their details into various places in the form and it failed each time.

Also, the checkboxes are visible now, but they're not clickable. Any thoughts?

Thanks again!

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

You have this in your css for checkboxes:
pointer-events: none;

That will make your click do nothing.

I think your email was using the wrong port. Yahoo servers use port 465. I updated that in your code and I think it will work now.

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Once again, Ray, thank you so much! I'll deal with the checkboxes, but the email worked and that's the priority.

Have a great day today!

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