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Hide/unhide a field based on another's field value

Thread begun 11/18/2023 4:51 am by kost36 | Last modified 11/20/2023 4:04 pm by Patrice | 391 views | 8 replies |


Hide/unhide a field based on another's field value

Hi there
I use
<td><select name="disease" id="disease" title="<?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("disease")); ?>">
<option value="LCH">LCH</option>
<option value="Isolated pulmonary LCH">Isolated pulmonary LCH</option>
<option value="ECD">ECD</option>
<option value="Rosai Dorfman">Rosai Dorfman</option>
<option value="Other">Other</option>
<td><input name="other" type="text" id="other" value="<?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("other_disease")); ?>" size="50" maxlength="35" ></td>

What I need is to keep the field (and the label too) "Other" hidden and unhide them only if on change, the disease's value is "Other"
Could you please help?

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If you post the URL, you may get better answers.
Is this a form? A page result using sorts?

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yes it's an update form
I attach the complete code
the ulr is (use the connection elements in private message)

<?php require_once('../Connections/adultlch.php'); ?>
<?php require_once('../webassist/mysqli/rsobj.php'); ?>
$Recordset1 = new WA_MySQLi_RS("Recordset1",$adultlch,0);
$Recordset1->setQuery("SELECT tpat.* FROM tpat WHERE tpat.aapat = ?");
$Recordset1->bindParam("i", "".(isset($_GET['aapat'])?$_GET['aapat']:"") ."", "-1"); //WAQB_Param1
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post">
<input name="aapat" type="hidden" id="aapat" value="<?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("aapat")); ?>" >
<table width="50%" border="1" align="center">

<td><strong><label>Patient's Date of Born</label></strong></td>
<td><input name="born" type="date" id="born" value="<?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("born")); ?>"></td>

<td width="25%"><strong><label>Patient's First Name (First Letter)</label></strong></td>
<td width="25%"><input name="pat_fname" type="text" id="pat_fname" value="<?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("pat_fname")); ?>" size="5" maxlength="1"></td>

<td><strong><label>Patient's Father's Name (First Letter)</label></strong></td>
<td><input name="pat_faname" type="text" id="pat_faname" value="<?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("pat_faname")); ?>" size="5" maxlength="1"></td>

<td><strong><label>Patient's Last Name (First Letter)</label></strong></td>
<td><input name="pat_lname" type="text" id="pat_lname" value="<?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("pat_lname")); ?>" size="5" maxlength="1" ></td>

<td><strong><label>Patient's Gender</label></strong></td>
<td><select name="gender" id="gender" title="<?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("gender")); ?>">
<option><?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("gender")); ?></option>
<option value="M">M</option>
<option value="F">F</option>

<td><select name="disease" id="disease" title="<?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("disease")); ?>">
<option><?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("disease")); ?></option>
<option value="LCH">LCH</option>
<option value="Isolated pulmonary LCH">Isolated pulmonary LCH</option>
<option value="ECD">ECD</option>
<option value="Rosai Dorfman">Rosai Dorfman</option>
<option value="Other">Other</option>
<td><input name="other" type="other" id="other" vvalue="<?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("year_of_diagnosis")); ?>" size="50" maxlength="35" ></td>

<td><strong><label>Multisystem Disease</label></strong></td>
<td><select name="multi_disease" id="multi_disease" title="<?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("multi_disease")); ?>">
<option><?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("multi_disease")); ?></option>
<option value="Yes">Yes</option>
<option value="No">No</option>

<td><strong><label>Year Of Diagnosis</label></strong></td>
<td><input name="year_of_diagnosis" id="year_of_diagnosis" pattern="^\d{4}" value="<?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("year_of_diagnosis")); ?>"></td>

<td><strong><label>Histological diagnosis</label></strong></td>
<td><select name="histological_diagnosis" id="histological_diagnosis" title="<?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("histological_diagnosis")); ?>">
<option><?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("histological_diagnosis")); ?></option>
<option value="Yes">Yes</option>
<option value="No">No</option>
<option value="from BAL">from BAL</option>

<td><select name="mutation" id="mutation" title="<?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("mutation")); ?>">
<option><?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("mutation")); ?></option>
<option value="BRAF">BRAF</option>
<option value="non-BRAF">non-BRAF</option>
<option value="None">None</option>
<option value="Not examined">Not examined</option>

<td><strong><label>Active Disease</label></strong></td>
<td><select name="active_disease" id="active_disease" title="<?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("active_disease")); ?>">
<option><?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("active_disease")); ?></option>
<option value="Yes">Yes</option>
<option value="No">No</option>

<td><strong><label>Under Treatment</label></strong></td>
<td><select name="under_treat" id="under_treat" title="<?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("under_treat")); ?>">
<option><?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("under_treat")); ?></option>
<option value="Yes">Yes</option>
<option value="No">No</option>

<td><strong><label>Year From Diagnosis</label></strong></td>
<td><input name="years_diagnosis" id="years_diagnosis" pattern="^\d*(\.\d{0,2}?$)" value="<?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("years_diagnosis")); ?>"></td>

<td><strong><label>Date Of Registration</label</strong></td>
<td><input name="date_of_registration" type="datetime-local" id="date_of_registration" value="<?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("date_of_registration")); ?>"></td>

<td><strong><label>Date Of Last Update</label></strong></td>
<td><input name="date_of_last_update" type="datetime-local" id="date_of_last_update" value="<?php echo($Recordset1->getColumnVal("date_of_last_update")); ?>"></td>

<td colspan="2" align="center" style="text-align: center"><input name="Update" type="submit" id="Update" formaction="../app/update.php" formmethod="GET" value="Update"></td>

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To restate:
Private messages can't be used right now to find solutions.
Ray has passed away.
The forum now is relying on one another to find answers.

If you want help, the private area doesn't come into play.
No need to post user/pass in private.
If you want help, post a public URL.

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so sorry to hear that Ray has passed away... I am socked... I don't believe it...
Anyway, I posted the complete code and the live url but in order someone to see it live must be an administrator

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Yes, that is my point. Right now, we don't have an admin. We are helping one another so if you want help, you have to share details. I am the "admin" temp here but only to keep off spam. You will need to trust fellow peeps here for a while to get any help. It will all sort out in the end, but for right now, it is what it is.
I can see your user/pass in private. But I can't help you as I am a mere user, not an expert. Use the deep knowledge of all of the peeps on this list to get help.

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This post has been deleted.


fixed with a piece of java script

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Would you be willing to share the solution in case someone else needs it?

Thank you.

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