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Website Sign in page stopped loading

Thread began 12/04/2023 2:24 am by Thomas Hill | Last modified 12/07/2023 7:25 am by Patrice | 448 views | 8 replies |

Thomas Hill

Website Sign in page stopped loading


I appreciate this is a rather vague opening title but I have been using WebAssist plugins for nearly 20 years, and today I am stumped.

I can access my website homepage and about page etc. without issue but then when I go to the 'sign in' page, the page is completely blank! No code has been changed recently, and the only change has been to install a fresh SSL certificate which my hosting provider says is unrelated and is working fine. However, they have pointed me to an error log for the page which is showing the following:

– PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; WA_AB_WhereClause has a deprecated constructor in /home/os3hgh20nl81/public_html/ourbigdayonfilm/WA_DataAssist/WA_AppBuilder_PHP.php on line 166 –

I am not sure if even this is causing the issue but it is obviously related to the DataAssist plugin.

In the past, Ray has always been my go to for support, enjoying many interactions with him here and also over the phone over many years. I have been absolutely heartbroken by his passing and now don't know who else to turn to...

Is anyone available to offer any help or advice?

Your help will be much appreciated.

Kind regards,

====== UPDATE ======

I have spent the day trying to figure out what is going wrong. So far, I can figure out that by removing the "Remember me" and the "Log me in automatically" fields, then the page will load. However, the sign in feature will still not work. I have also generated a new login page locally and tested it, and this instead returns as 'incorrect username and password'. Bizarrely, my existing sign in page works locally. I'm still completely lost :-(

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There is a thread about php versions. What version is your server using and did it recently change?
If you can't see it in cPanel, upload the attached file, then check the version.
Thread here:

Attached Files
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Gorgeous site!

It is PHP Version 7.3.33

Was this a recent update?

This may help identify what you need to find also: Put this snippet at the top of the page with the issue.


I am sure there are more experienced peeps on here who can help you better than I can if they can see the error.

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Thomas Hill

Hi Patrice,

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my problem. And thank you for the complement too! The website has been a labour of love for my business for over 15 years :-)

Yes you're correct, the PHP version is 7.3.33 but I felt sure this was previously 7.2 but I can't remember for certain. I upgraded from PHP 5 to 7 in 2021 and not made any changes since last February which I why I have been stumped with this unusual behaviour. My hosting provider won't commit to answering my question of a version change and so it looks like I am stuck with this issue, and need to work through it.

I have since managed to get the sign in page to work by uploading the newer local files I had of authentication.php, queryobj.php and rsobj.php
I have noticed that even the ones I have now uploaded are not the latest versions though from the PHP thread you sent me.

The versions I have just uploaded are:
authentication.php is v 2.20
queryobj.php is v 2.31
rsobj.php is v 2.48

However, once logged in, I have noticed further errors on other pages. Using your helpful error reporting code, I have discovered that session variables are now not getting passed from page to page. For example if I set the following:

if (!session_id()) session_start();
if("" == "") {
$_SESSION["selected_bookingID"] = "".$_GET['bookingID'] ."";

I then put the following at the start of the page I wish to use the session variable:

if (!session_id()) session_start();

However, the session variable is lost on navigating to another page. It is as if the session variable is unset somehow?? I just can't figure it out :-(

Do you have any ideas what is going on as many of my pages rely on session variables being stored.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

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See this thread and link to most recent mysqli files

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Thomas Hill

Thanks but is it better to just download and install the webassist plugin from fresh? If so, do you know if I just use the uninstall option from DMXZone Extension Manager?

I've just tried adding these on my testing server and I'm still getting the same problem. I thin kI'm going to need to pay a pro to help. Can you recommend anyone?

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Hi: The download and reinstall vs just replacing the out of date files is a personal preference. The reinstall makes a connection to the mothership, then you need your license number etc. Up to you. And yes to the way to use DMXZone uninstall option. A comprehensive thread is here which links to a P7 tutorial as well as how to reinstall and steps involved.

As far as recommending a pro, we are all hoping that this will be sorted out sooner than later. In the meantime, appeal to the list here and see if anyone would be willing to look into it deeper with you and pay that person accordingly. Perhaps start a fresh thread with a title that will get attention with an offer to pay.


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Thomas Hill


Hi Patrice,

Thanks very much for taking the time to get back to me again.

As of last night, I have managed to resolve the issue! Now this is an odd one to be sure but in short, I had changed some code in the sign in page, and got it to load. I then saw your post and added your code snippet to show any errors but couldn't find any on the page. I then updated the form_validation files and mysqli files to the latest versions and this is where the problems started. I then found that any session variables which were declared on a page were not getting passed from page to page, despite starting the session on each page. It was as if they became unset every time a page was navigated to another. However, the session variables for keeping the user signed in, were fine.

It took a lot of digging (yes some crying and praying too – I wont lie), and then I tried putting back the original form_validation and mysql files, and then everything works fine!

Now I am wondering if there are two issues at play. Firstly, the original issue may have actually been with my hosting provider and the SSL certificate but they say not. And secondly, there may be a possible conflict with the latest versions of the form_validation and mysql files, when running PHP v 7.3.33
However, I haven't had time to work out which of the files could be causing this yet. I will be working on this in more detail after Christmas but I'd be happy to add this info to the PHP versions thread if you like, and attach the slightly older versions of the files? Just let me know if you think this would useful to others using 7.3.33?

As far as getting a pro on board, this would be incredible but I do understand this may take time.

Thanks again so much for your support :-)

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Thanks for the follow up and the offer to share others can benefit from your experience.

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