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HTML Editor BETA Build 013 is in your email

Thread began 10/16/2009 4:58 pm by Ray Borduin | Last modified 10/19/2009 4:21 pm by Ray Borduin | 3045 views | 14 replies |

Ray BorduinWebAssist

HTML Editor BETA Build 013 is in your email

I only sent it to the people that had responded to the first BETA. We should have fixed most of your bugs reported and integrated some of your suggestions.

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John LangerBeta Tester

Uninstalled the old version. Installed the new. All the wording in Extension manager now reflects HTML Editor and not iRite.

No problems with the winfile cache at all (makes a change :) )

I completely deleted the old files in my testing site so started with a clean canvas. Placed the Editor on a page. Tweaked a few global settings and tested in browser on my localhost. Got this error on browser screen:

Warning: require_once(WA_iRite/WARichEditorPHP.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp\www\Langerweb\untitled.php on line 2

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'WA_iRite/WARichEditorPHP.php' (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in C:\wamp\www\Langerweb\untitled.php on line 2

<?php require_once("HTMLEditor/WARichEditorPHP.php"); ?>

require_once("WA_iRite/WARichEditorPHP.php"); ?>

// WebAssist iRite: Rich Text Editor for Dreamweaver
$WARichTextEditor_1 CreateRichTextEditor ("editor""HTMLEditor/""100%""200px""Default""../custom/untitled_editor1.js""");

Notice the references to iRite.

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John LangerBeta Tester

So, to continue:

I found this line in my file (line 2)

<?php require_once("WA_iRite/WARichEditorPHP.php"); ?>

and manually changed it to

<?php require_once("HTMLEditor/WARichEditorPHP.php"); ?>

Tested again and it worked fine.

On my local machine I tested the things that I'd had problems with and all worked fine.

I then uploaded to my testing server and found two problems.

Inserting an image:
Clicking on browse server I get an image showing which I can edit in all sorts of marvellous ways. On my localhost I just double clicked the image I wanted to insert and it worked fine. Double clicking on my remote server however does not insert the image. Perhaps I'm being a bit dense but how to you actually insert the image onto the page?

Then I tried that old chestnut of the table cells. Again in FireFox all is fine but in IE8 it still exists (for me) that if I right click in a cell I get a menu flyout but if I then hover on one of the choices I do not get another flyout.

However, I found that if I double clicked on a choice the second menu does appear. As far as I'm concerned that's case closed on that one. I'm sure that it's specific to me and my PC and that it will only affect a very few people. It's just a question of saying to them "Double click it".

So far this is all I've found.

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I believe the issue with this: <code style="white-space: nowrap;"><code>


<?php require_once("WA_iRite/WARichEditorPHP.php"); ?>

were simply due to the fact that this is the only thing that doesn't get removed when deleting the original iRite installation.

It took me a moment to figure that out to that all the new files are under the folder "HTMLeditor" instead of "WA_iRite" which is better because now the folder reflects the name of the extension.

On mine, I have no problems as of yet... I am able to insert images with no issue at all. The quick upload now works like a charm.

Thanks to the WA staff for putting in the notices on the extension about what the advanced file manager does as well as the reminder to set permissions.

Nice work, WebAssist.


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John LangerBeta Tester


as well as un-installing the first version of HTML Editor I also completely deleted all the files from my testing site and started again. So I can't see how it could have been left over from the original installation. If I had been updating an existing iRite installation then I could have understood it but in this case it was a new installation.

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But that line was only added by the original installation... it wasn't actually within the installation.

I did the same thing as you (and went in deleted the original iRite folder, so that line was still on my page (as well as the new call to the HTMLeditor). The problem then becomes because that include no longer exists (cause I had deleted the folder with the old include).

So, for example, on your page where you placed the editor - just by deleting the old iRite editor out, it won't actually get rid of the old include that was placed at the top... you have to manually delete the old include line.

I hope what I am saying makes sense.

Best regards,


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John LangerBeta Tester

Hi Brian,

You're right, of course. I thought that I had deleted the page that iRite was on but I couldn't have. So today I completely deleted everything. Even defined the site again in DW. And it all inserted and worked straight away with the correct includes statement.

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tom92909Beta Tester

I just installed Build 13 myself.

I only have 2 things to offer....

1. The default extension directory places the path statement incorrectly...

<?php require_once("/HTMLEditor/WARichEditorPHP.php"); ?>

which kicks out a fatal error...
Manually editing the path corrects the error...

<?php require_once("HTMLEditor/WARichEditorPHP.php"); ?>

2. With all of the previous products produced by WebAssist that I can recall...The upload times have been very short. This new product took 11:27 to push the HTMLEditor directory alone. I know that might not seem like a real issue, but some folks might think something locked up and give up (maybe) it's just that it's very different from anything ever produced before.

My 2 cents...


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John LangerBeta Tester

For those of us who have PowerCMS will there be a dot release offering the same functionality but with HTML Editor instead if iRite? As PowerCMS is not part of the subscription library I hope that it won't be a major update and require an upgrade fee.

Just a thought.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Yes, we do plan on updating both PowerCMS and PowerStore to use this version of HTML Editor in a free dot release... however people that have done customization won't have an easy update path due to the nature of solutions.

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