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HTML editor: please, can you fix that ugly Times in dialog boxes?

Thread began 10/23/2009 3:59 am by ivanhalen12190 | Last modified 3/21/2013 1:57 pm by Ray Borduin | 4318 views | 13 replies |


HTML editor: please, can you fix that ugly Times in dialog boxes?

I just purchased the new HTML Editor and it seems ok!
anyway, I find the Times New Roman font in all dialog boxes very un-professional
Please, can you fix this, so that the HTML editor is more consistent about font (I prefer the tiny font used on tabs, but this is only my personal taste)?
Or can you tell me how to fix this?

Here's a screenshot: phpeditor.png

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Hi ivanhalen,

While I am not sure what the Times New Roman font has to do with professionalism :), I can tell you how to change that.

That font you see in that dialogue box is actually controlled by your browser's default font - which is set to Times New Roman if you have never adjusted it.

Go into your browser preferences and change to whatever you like. Attached is my preferences screen for Firefox - which as you will see has the default font set to Arial with a size of 12 - so that's what font my dialogue boxes use.


If you really wanted to go deeper on this issue, you may be able to find a way to style the dialogue box - but this would not be WebAssist's issue but rather in the FCKEditor files. FCKeditor produces that javascript dialogue box to "inherit" the browser's default font - but you may be able to style it specifically.

Hope this helps,


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Eric Mittman

This is not a setting that is exposed in the editor interfaces, you could probably update the source files but I have tried a couple of things and was not able to do so myself. I have logged a feature request to have the ability to style the interfaces with your own css, specifically the font used.

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I tried the same thing to see if I could explicitly set the dialogue box styling. I still find that the browser default is what truly determines the style.

You can see from my image below, that when you set the browser default to Arial 12 (as opposed to Times 16), the dialogue box reflects the change:


Best regards,


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Eric Mittman

Thanks for posting that update, it is definitely a browser default controlled setting but I think it would be nice to have the ability to stylize that dialog interface so this is what I logged it for. Hopefully everyone can just use this as a workaround for the issue. Thanks again.

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Thanks for the answers, guys!
SOJO, I used FCKeditor for years, both in "classic" mode (downloaded from original FCKeditor site) and in an ASP version from another DW extensions developer: unluckly the original FCKeditor is replaced by the new CKeditor, but the competitor's demo is still online - I can tell you the URL -: in both cases there is not the Times New Roman, but a consistent font with the rest of the FCKeditor interface (I guess it's Tahoma, or something similar): and with no hacks on browser; you can also download the old FCKeditor (download) and test on your own; you are right when you say that Times is non un-professional, but in my opinion (and not only in mine) it's more press-related than web-related; more: a fonts-jam (more than 2 fonts) gets complaints on sites, I guess it will get complaints also on html editor...
Eric, thanks for your support :-)

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Ok, guys, I put you in the right direction!
With a file/folder compare utility I found that folders "editor" are the same both in WA version and in original FCKeditor one: so the problem should be somewhere else

I noticed the code generated by WA version and original FCKeditor: in the WA version there's this line:

<input type="hidden" id="EDITOR___Config" value="CustomConfigurationsPath=../custom/editor_EDITOR1.js" style="display:none" />

While in FCKeditor the same line is:

<input type="hidden" id="FCKeditor1___Config" value="" style="display:none" />

Guess what? If I remove the "value" string (<input type="hidden" id="EDITOR___Config" value="" style="display:none" />) the fonts are magically fixed!

So it's something related to the generated custom file, maybe some wrong path: can you check, please?

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..And found the problem
On line 4 of custom generated file ("/custom/editor_*.js"), change this:

FCKConfig.SkinPath = 'skins/silver/'; // relative to fckeditor/editor/fckeditor.html

to this:

FCKConfig.SkinPath = FCKConfig.BasePath + 'skins/silver/'; // relative to fckeditor/editor/fckeditor.html

Seems that "FCKConfig.BasePath + " is required, don't know why
Please, can you fix this in next releases?

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Nice sniffing it out what would change that.

Then I can help you with a workaround so you won't have to edit every file.

First, you need to locate this file (here is the path on Mac... not sure what OS you are using):

(user)/Library/Application Support/Adobe/DreamweaverCS4/en_US/Configuration/Shared/WebAssist/RichTextEditor/iRiteShared.js

Once you get to iRiteShared.js, open it and go to line 1188.

It will read:

this.SkinPathReplaceText = "FCKConfig.SkinPath = '@@ValueToken@@';";

Now, change it to this:

this.SkinPathReplaceText = "FCKConfig.SkinPath = FCKConfig.BasePath + '@@ValueToken@@';";

Then save... close and reopen Dreamweaver if it was previously open. Then BAM (as Emeril would say)... you now have your nice dialogue boxes all the time with no more additional editing.

I reckon WebAssist could use this fix for a dot release as well.



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Thanks SOJO, I'll give it a try, in the meanwhile I wait for a dot release :-)

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