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Shipping Value not showing up on Email Receipt/Success page

Thread began 11/18/2009 9:38 am by eric284736 | Last modified 11/25/2009 12:19 pm by Eric Mittman | 4009 views | 11 replies |


Shipping Value not showing up on Email Receipt/Success page


I have this setup to capture the info and the client will process the card manually.

The shipping choice is setup as 3 choices based on 3 flat rates and is set as a session (ShipSelection).
This functions correctly and shows the charges on the confirm page. Once that page is submitted the Checkout Success page does NOT show the shipping charges and the Email receipt does NOT show the shipping charges.

Here are the pages.

Correction: THe shipping charges are NOT showing on the Confirm page now. So Shipping is not showing at all.


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Eric Mittman

How have you setup the charge rules and the values that trigger it? Also since it was last working on the confirm page what changes have you made to the cart or the values that are used for the charge rules?

Please post back with this info so we can look into this issue further, also if you could post back with a copy of your WA_eCart folder from the site root that might be helpful as well.

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Hi Eric,

I setup a recordset for the shipping and set the session as ShipSelection.

I have attached the cart folder.


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Eric Mittman

I need to know a little more about how you have setup the rules for this. Please explain how you have it now versus when it was working, if this involves variables that are being set on pages make sure to include those pages as well.

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Hi Eric,

Here are some captures of the 3 rules setup. I have the session set as ShipSelection. I don't think I changed anything from the time it worked until the time it did not work.

The session is set on the checkout page and at first it was showing up correctly on the confirm page. Does the request session need to be in a certain place on the page that calls it, like before the recordsets are called?


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Here is what is setup:

Checkout page - the shipping selection is pulling from the recordset and setting a session
if ((Request.ServerVariables("Request_Method") = "POST") AND (inStr(Unescape(cStr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))),Unescape(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")&Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"))) > 0)) then
Session("ShipSelection") = "" & cStr(cStr(Request.Form("ShipChoice"))) & ""
end if

Confirm page - running a recordset to pull the session
Dim rsShipping__MMColParam
rsShipping__MMColParam = "-1"
If (Session("ShipSelection") <> "") Then
rsShipping__MMColParam = Session("ShipSelection")
End If
Dim rsShipping
Dim rsShipping_cmd
Dim rsShipping_numRows

Set rsShipping_cmd = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
rsShipping_cmd.ActiveConnection = MM_connJoeMedia_STRING
rsShipping_cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM dbo.ShipTable WHERE ShipFee = ?"
rsShipping_cmd.Prepared = true
rsShipping_cmd.Parameters.Append rsShipping_cmd.CreateParameter("param1", 5, 1, -1, rsShipping__MMColParam) ' adDouble

Set rsShipping = rsShipping_cmd.Execute
rsShipping_numRows = 0

and below the Universal mail stuff...
if (Request.ServerVariables("Request_Method") = "POST") then
Session("eCartCheckoutForm_ShipChoice") = "" & cStr(Request.Form("ShipChoice")) & ""
end if

AND the store summary in Orders:
<%' WA eCart Store Cart Summary in Db
if ((Request.ServerVariables("Request_Method") = "POST") AND (inStr(Unescape(cStr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))),Unescape(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")&Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"))) > 0)) then
WA_connection = MM_connJoeMedia_STRING
WA_table = "dbo.Orders"
WA_redirectURL = ""
WA_indexField = "OrderReferenceID"
WA_fieldNamesStr = "OrderReferenceID|OrderShipping|OrderTax|OrderTotal|OrderDate|OrderShipAddress1|OrderShipAddress2|OrderShipCity|OrderShipStateID|OrderShipZip|CreditCardType|CreditNumber|ExpireMonth|ExpireYear|CVVcode|Processed"
WA_fieldValuesStr = "" & cStr(Session.SessionID) & "" & "|" & WA_eCDB_ConvertNumber("" & cStr((rsShipping.Fields.Item("ShipFee").Value)) & "") & "|" & WA_eCDB_ConvertNumber("" & cStr(WA_eCart_GetTax(eCart1)) & "") & "|" & WA_eCDB_ConvertNumber("" & cStr(WA_eCart_GrandTotal(eCart1)) & "") & "|" & "" & cStr(Date()) & "" & "|" & "" & cStr(cStr(Request.Form("shipping_street1"))) & "" & "|" & "" & cStr(cStr(Request.Form("shipping_street2"))) & "" & "|" & "" & cStr(cStr(Request.Form("shipping_city"))) & "" & "|" & "" & cStr(cStr(Request.Form("shipping_state_province"))) & "" & "|" & "" & cStr(cStr(Request.Form("shipping_postcode"))) & "" & "|" & "" & cStr(cStr(Request.Form("cc_type"))) & "" & "|" & "" & cStr(cStr(Request.Form("cc_number"))) & "" & "|" & WA_eCDB_ConvertNumber("" & cStr(cStr(Request.Form("exp_month"))) & "") & "|" & WA_eCDB_ConvertNumber("" & cStr(cStr(Request.Form("exp_year"))) & "") & "|" & "" & cStr(cStr(Request.Form("cvv"))) & "" & "|" & WA_eCDB_ConvertNumber("0")
WA_columnTypesStr = "',none,''|none,none,NULL|none,none,NULL|none,none,NULL|',none,''|',none,''|',none,''|',none,''|',none,''|',none,''|',none,''|',none,''|none,none,NULL|none,none,NULL|',none,''|none,none,NULL"
WA_sessionName = "eCart1_OrderID"
indexFieldIndex = -1
WA_fieldValues = Split(WA_fieldValuesStr,"|")
WA_fieldNames = Split(WA_fieldNamesStr,"|")
WA_columns = Split(WA_columnTypesStr,"|")
set WA_editCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
updateFieldValue = ""
WA_editCmd.ActiveConnection = WA_connection
if (WA_redirectURL <> "" AND Request.QueryString <> "" AND Request.QueryString.Count > 0) then
if (inStr(WA_redirectURL,"?") > 0) then
WA_redirectURL = WA_redirectURL & "&"
WA_redirectURL = WA_redirectURL & "?"
end if
WA_redirectURL = WA_redirectURL & Request.QueryString
end if
for i = 0 to Ubound(WA_fieldNames)
if (WA_indexField = WA_fieldNames(i)) then
indexFieldIndex = i
exit for
end if
if (indexFieldIndex >= 0) then updateFieldValue = WA_fieldValues(indexFieldIndex)
if (updateFieldValue = "") then updateFieldValue = cStr(Session(WA_sessionName))
updateColType = "none,none,NULL"
if (indexFieldIndex >= 0) then
updateColType = WA_columns(indexFieldIndex)
end if
if (updateFieldValue <> "" AND updateFieldValue <> "undefined") then
valueForWhere = WA_generateInsertParams(Array(WA_indexField), Array(updateColType), Array(updateFieldValue), -1)
sqlstr = "select " & WA_indexField & " from " & WA_table & " where " & WA_indexField & " = " & valueForWhere(2) & " order by " & WA_indexField & " DESC"
set WA_eCartRecordset = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
WA_eCartRecordset.ActiveConnection = WA_connection
WA_eCartRecordset.Source = sqlstr
WA_eCartRecordset.CursorType = 0
WA_eCartRecordset.CursorLocation = 2
WA_eCartRecordset.LockType = 1
if (NOT WA_eCartRecordset.EOF) then
updateFieldValue = cStr(WA_eCartRecordset.Fields.Item(WA_indexField).Value)
updateFieldValue = ""
end if
end if
if (updateFieldValue <> "" AND updateFieldValue <> "undefined") then
updateParamsObj = WA_generateInsertParams(WA_fieldNames, WA_columns, WA_fieldValues, indexFieldIndex)
valueForWhere = WA_generateInsertParams(Array(WA_indexField), Array(updateColType), Array(updateFieldValue), -1)
WA_editCmd.CommandText = "update " & WA_table & " SET " & updateParamsObj(3) & " where " & WA_indexField & " = " & valueForWhere(2)
updateFieldValue = ""
insertParamsObj = WA_generateInsertParams(WA_fieldNames, WA_columns, WA_fieldValues, -1)
WA_editCmd.CommandText = "insert into " & WA_table & " (" & insertParamsObj(1) & ") values (" & insertParamsObj(2) & ")"
end if
if (indexFieldIndex < 0) then
if (updateFieldValue = "") then
obj = WA_generateWhereClause(WA_fieldNames, WA_columns, WA_fieldValues, indexFieldIndex)
sqlstr = "select " & WA_indexField & " from " & WA_table & " where " & obj & " order by " & WA_indexField & " DESC"
set WA_eCartRecordset = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
WA_eCartRecordset.ActiveConnection = WA_connection
WA_eCartRecordset.Source = sqlstr
WA_eCartRecordset.CursorType = 0
WA_eCartRecordset.CursorLocation = 2
WA_eCartRecordset.LockType = 1
if (NOT WA_eCartRecordset.EOF) then Session(WA_sessionName) = WA_eCartRecordset.Fields.Item(WA_indexField).Value
Session(WA_sessionName) = updateFieldValue
end if
Session(WA_sessionName) = WA_fieldValues(indexFieldIndex)
end if
if (WA_redirectURL <> "") then
end if
end if

The checkout success page is running the shipping recordset, but shouldn't that page be pulling the shipping info already stored with the line:

<td class="eC_SummaryLabel">Shipping</td>
<td><%=WA_eCart_DisplayMoney(eCart1, WA_eCart_GetShipping(eCart1))%></td>


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Here is the shipping code on the cart_VB.asp page:

function WAEC_eCart1_USPSShipping()
totalShipping = 0
if (false AND (("USPS"="USPS") AND ("" <> Session("eCart1_USPS_Quote")) AND (cDbl(Session("eCart1_USPS_Quote")) <> 0))) then
totalShipping = totalShipping + (cDbl(Session("eCart1_USPS_Quote")) + 0)'Result
end if
WAEC_eCart1_USPSShipping = WA_eCart_FormatNumber(totalShipping, eCart1.ForceDecimalsC, eCart1.DecimalPlacesC)
end function
function WAEC_eCart1_ShipMethod()
totalShipping = 0
if (true AND ((cStr(Session("ShipSelection")) = "12"))) then
totalShipping = totalShipping + 12.00'Result
end if
WAEC_eCart1_ShipMethod = WA_eCart_FormatNumber(totalShipping, eCart1.ForceDecimalsC, eCart1.DecimalPlacesC)
end function
function WAEC_eCart1_OvernightExpress()
totalShipping = 0
if (true AND ((cStr(Session("ShipSelection")) = "25"))) then
totalShipping = totalShipping + 25.00'Result
end if
WAEC_eCart1_OvernightExpress = WA_eCart_FormatNumber(totalShipping, eCart1.ForceDecimalsC, eCart1.DecimalPlacesC)
end function
function WAEC_eCart1_FedEx()
totalShipping = 0
if (true AND ((cStr(Session("ShipSelection")) = "38"))) then
totalShipping = totalShipping + 38.00'Result
end if
WAEC_eCart1_FedEx = WA_eCart_FormatNumber(totalShipping, eCart1.ForceDecimalsC, eCart1.DecimalPlacesC)
end function

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Eric Mittman

Thanks for the info on these pages and where the recordset is filtering on this value. I was hoping more for a detailed description of how the old rule was setup when it was working versus the now not working shipping charge rule. If things were working previously then it indicates that a change has occurred that is causing it to not work any longer. If the shipping charge rule itself has not changed then it would be some other change that was made that would be causing this. This is why I would like to know how the rule was setup previously to determine what may be causing it to no longer work. If there is absolutely no difference in the rule itself then please explain a little about any other modifications that you have made to the site since then so I have a better idea of where to look.

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Hi Eric,

Let's start over, I ran an update on the cart extension and started fresh because either I am missing something or something is not working correctly.


I have setup a table with 3 shipping selections.
Priority Mail - 12.00
Overnight Express - 25.00
FedEx Overnight - 38.00

I have the cart display page. Then the user clicks the checkout button and it takes them to shipping page which only displays the shipping choices and the form to select their choice. This form sets the session variable "ShipBy" and redirects to the checkout page.

Right now the session does not show on the checkout page.

I have included the two pages. Not sure if I am doing the correct thing to show the session. I am trying to call it on the checkout to make sure it is setting and calling the session.


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Eric Mittman

Thank you so much for the info, this is exactly the type of thing that I was hoping for. The problem is that on your shipping page is where you are setting the session variable. The trigger is set to same page load, but the problem is that the form that posts this value is set to go to your checkout page.

<form name="form2" method="post" action="checkout.asp">

You can either update the action of this form to be the same page or blank, this would make sure that the session variable is set correctly.

You can also leave it as it is and add in the set session value server behavior on the checkout page, you would set the trigger to any form post if you did it this way.

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