Need Help with setting up recordset for downloads
Hi i have your super suite and i want to create a small database driven online store that sells digital products only. I am using php with my sql in dreamweaver. I have basically set up the store connected to a payment gateway and looked at all your tutorials about setting up a digital store with digital file pro.
There is one portion of the tutorial that confuses me however. Setting up the recordset that allows the user to buy the product then download it on the confirm_success page. And the two recordsets on the download page that sets a limit on how many times the person can download the file.(rsdownloads and rsnodownloadsleft according to your tutorial). I have 3 pictures of the three database structures as an attached file. My website will NOT have user login functionality. Basically I need help with setting up the sql statements with the database fields i have attached for the recordset on the confirm_success and setting up the parameters for someone to purchase the product then it takes them to the confirm_success page where they can download the file. And setting up the two recordsets on the download page to limit the amount of times a user can download.
If you guys can help me with this hurdle then i can finally get this site launched. It would be much appreciated.
Thank You.