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JavaScript error while loading WA Set Cookie.htm

Thread began 12/21/2009 1:59 pm by Kevin373660 | Last modified 12/29/2009 10:47 am by Jimmy Wu | 2418 views | 5 replies |


JavaScript error while loading WA Set Cookie.htm

While saving my a user login.php (only added some text to page) the following DW error occured:

JavaScript error while loading WA Set Cookie.htm:
at line 746 of the "D:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS3\Configuration\Shared\Controls\Scripts\WATrigger.js":
ReferenceError:WA_getDocumentDOM is not defined

I havn't had this error before and a specific line number is refered to. On the login page I have remember my PW function that uses cookies. Is this a simple fix by having DW recreat the config file and reload the extensions or is there a possilbe deeper problem? -KW

P.S. The shopping part of the kids site is up! Sure appreciate everyones help. 30% off till 12/31/2009. Discount code: TugBoatBen

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Jimmy Wu

Could you be a little more specific on what you modified and the steps you took to create the site you're working on? Is this using DataAssist or using Cookies Toolkit?

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Hi Jimmy. The page where this occured was a user login page that I created using DataAssist. When creating I had selected the "Rember Me" option and it wrote the part of the code that uses the cookies. I have the full suite. The page has worked fine for some time. I had copied the page to the same directory and renamed it, then I added some discriptive text/comment for the user. No other changes were made. When I went to save the page the error message poped up.

I think that I just need to run the procedures to rename the config file. I have not had a chance to try that yet. I reverted to an older file copy that worked and edited the message displaied for the user in note pad so that we could move ahead. It seems to work fine. But before I proceed to do more I thought that I would touch bases and get this resolved first. Should I try to rename the config and and see if it clears the message? Or do you think that there maybe something else wrong?

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

I don't think so.... you probably have to download the latest version of cookies toolkit.

We recently updated the triggers interface, which is shared into cookies toolkit. It sounds like your triggers got updated by a recent installation and there is an incompatability with the verison of cookies toolkit you have installed.

I believe we have updated all of our extensions to account for this potential problem, so it should just be a matter of downloading and installing the latest version of cookies toolkit.

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Thank you Ray. We miss you on the forum.

I just completed a rebuilding of the configuration file with the latest extensions. Tested the page and error is no longer showing up.

All the best!

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Jimmy Wu

Glad that got it working for you. If you run into any additional issues, feel free to open a new thread.

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