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How to Integrate eCart5 with PayPal

Thread began 2/01/2010 11:06 am by swoodmwood396702 | Last modified 3/30/2010 3:31 pm by Eric Mittman | 5376 views | 16 replies |


How to Integrate eCart5 with PayPal

I am using WebAssist's eCart5 shopping cart. When I utilize the Checkout wizard, I'm taken through a series of screens based on an initial response, "Accept credit cards and PayPal". My desire, at this time, is to only allow PayPal to process the payment transaction (customer can input credit card info or use PayPal account INSIDE PayPal). I have signed up for PayPal Website Payments STANDARD.
Inside the eCart5 checkout wizard, there are a couple of questions, 1) PayPal member id, 2) Sandbox testing server. Question 1: If I want to use the Sandbox testing server, would I enter the PayPal member id (email address) that was given to me when I signed up for the Sandbox or do I use my Live PayPal member id?
After completing the eCart 5 Checkout wizard, the checkout.php, checkout_success.php, checkout_failure.php, and confirm.php pages are created. When I select the eCart5 "Checkout" button in my shopping cart, I am taken to the checkout.php page where there is an Express PayPal button (not interested in using) and Billing questions for the customer (not interested in using). Question 2: How do I re-direct my eCart5 Checkout button to the PayPal Payment Login Page (thus bypassing the eCart5 checkout.php page)? Do I have to create a PayPal API button for Checkout and insert it in my Shopping Cart? If so, how do I obtain an API user name from WebAssist? Do I have to download the PayPal ecommerce extension (I'm currently signed up for the Extension suite)?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

If you are going to use the sandbox, use the member ID that was given to you when you signed up for the Sandbox.

If you are not going to use the sandbox, use the Live member ID.

If you do not wish to use the Paypal Express Checkout, you can delete the Express checkout button on the checkout page.

Information entered in the form on the checkout page is used by other aspects of the checkout process, you should not bypass the checkout page.

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Checkout wizard & PayPal Payment Login Page

Ok, so you didn't say that I had to download the PayPal eCommerce Tookit, so I'm assuming I don't.

Here's what I don't understand...
You say that I shouldn't bypass the Checkout.php page, however, I don't want to use the PayPal Express Checkout button, and I don't need my customers to enter their financial info (because they'll be asked for it on the PayPal Payment Login Page that I'm expecting to display next...see attachment).

Which leads me to the WA Checkout wizard...there is a "Quick Demo" link under the PayPal Website Payments Standards selection. Per the demo, there are 2 ways to integrate...1) Use PayPal buttons (don't want to do) or 2) Use existing shopping cart and only use PayPal as the transaction processor (this is what I want). The demo states "All your customer has to do is click the Checkout button from your cart, pay for their items in PayPal, and return back to your site." The demo shows your own shopping cart with an orange (non-PayPal standard) CHECKOUT button, then the PayPal Payment Login page. There are no extraneous steps in between, which is what I like. How can I achieve this if you say I shouldn't bypass the Checkout.php page?

Also, I now understand that I would only need API credentials if I wanted to use the PayPal Express Checkout.

Additionally, I must have something incorrectly setup in the wizard or elsewhere because when I navigate through the checkout pages (first checkout, then order confirmation) I'm taken to the PayPal Home page (see 2nd & 3rd attachments) and prompted to login (instead of the PayPal Payment Login page that I'm expecting to see). I log into the PayPal Home Page, to see if I'll be redirected but I'm not. I have made some Profile settings in PayPal, hoping that it will recognize my saved settings and navigate me like a customer, but still no luck. ALSO, I have abandoned the idea of using the PayPal Testing I'm entering my LIVE member info in the wizard and have de-selected the "using Sandbox" checkbox in the wizard.

I have entered my full live PayPal business id in the member id field of the Checkout wizard, just the email portion of my business id, just the business name portion of my business id AND just the merchant id supplied by PayPal on separate occassions to no avail....I still get navigated to the PayPal home page instead of a Payment page.

I also tried navigating through the checkout pages using a different computer, hoping it wouldn't recognize me....and it didn't, but still took me to the PayPal Home page. Thanks!

Attached Files
PayPal url is wrong.txt
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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

no, you do not need to use the eCommerce Toolkit.

The checkout process that is created by the checkout wizard uses the information that the costumer enters on the checkout page when storing the order in the database, this is why you should not skip the checkout page. the eCart checkout process will not function properly if you bypass the checkout page, it may _seem_ extraneous, but is is necessary to the way eCart works.

If you do not want to use Express checkout, you can remove the express checkout button from the checkout page.

Yes, the api credentials are only needed for express checkout.

Please send a link to your site so I can test the checkout to see what is wrong.

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Extraneous Checkout page

You said: "The checkout process that is created by the checkout wizard uses the information that the custumer enters on the checkout page when storing the order in the database, this is why you should not skip the checkout page. the eCart checkout process will not function properly if you bypass the checkout page, it may _seem_ extraneous, but is is necessary to the way eCart works."

We are not planning to store any order information in our database (we've already captured it prior to the checkout page), and if we are not processing credit cards locally from our site, then why would I ask the customer to fill out any Billing information on the Checkout page?

Thus, if I delete the Express Checkout button...and I delete the Billing information fields...there's nothing left on the Checkout page (but potentially hidden fields that are passing Cart data to the Confirm page)...and if that's the case, could I hide a duplicate of my cart data on the bottom of my Cart.php to pass off to the Confirm page?

I'm also theoretically wondering if I need to use the Confirm page at all? We're giving the customer the opportunity to review their order and make updates In the CART prior to checking out. To me, once you start the checkout process, you're ready to pay...not confirm again.

Bottom line...when I click on the Checkout button from my page, I'm only expecting to pass the Sub Total to paypal for payment processing and tax calculation...and the Total Weight if I want PayPal to calculate shipping costs.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

Ok, well you could change the checkout server behavior on the cart page to go to the confirm page instead of the checkout page.

on the cart display page, go to window -> Server behaviors and double click the checkout server behavior to change which page the checkout button directs to.

You will need to keep the confirm page though, the confirm page hands the information off to paypal.

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When I double click on the Checkout server behavior in my Cart.php I get a JS error message (see attached).

Attached Files
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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

try deleting the Dreamweaver cache file from the users configuration folder:

I am not able to open the word document you have sent to see the error.

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It says, "While executing onLoad in WA eCart RedCO SB.htm, a JavaScript error occurred."

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

Did you try deleting the cache?

you can edit the code directly, look for code similar to:
//WA eCart Redirect Check Out
if (isset($_POST["WA_Store_Cart_Checkout"]) || isset($_POST["WA_Store_Cart_Checkout_x"])) {
if ($Redirect_redirStr != "") {
if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] != "") {
if (strpos($Redirect_redirStr, "?") < 0) {
$Redirect_redirStr .= "?".$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
else {
$Redirect_redirStr .= "&".$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];

$WA_Store_Cart->redirStr = $Redirect_redirStr;
$WA_Store_Cart->cartAction = "Checkout";

and checge the $Redirect_redirStr="checkout.php"; to point to the confirm page.

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